
I used to have a foxtrotter. I miss him dearly, but I moved to college. I did grow up in Vernal you know, so I did 4-H and stuff. One of these days I will have a horse again. My hubby says if I want one that bad just to go get one and board it. But I hate to board, I did it with my Norman for 2 years in College and it was just way too hard, and he sat in a stall more then I liked. So he's up in Huntsville with a family of 5, I do see him once in awhile.

But it is fun to get them as babies. I acquired Norman for free. He was on a neighbors farm, and at 6 months of age decided to somehow climb up on the barn roof, they are still not sure how he did it, but we all watched him up there for hours trying to figure out how to get him down, well he slipped and he ripped a 6 inch by 4 inch chunk all the way down to the bone out of his left hip, and they were going to put him down right then, and I cried, and begged to save him. So my dad said if I wanted to try, we would try. The Vet said he would never recover. But I knew he would. So we kept it clean, and I actually poured Noni juice in it every day, and I would walk him 5 times a day to keep him moving, and sure enough he healed just fine. I loved that horse.
I used to have a foxtrotter. I miss him dearly, but I moved to college. I did grow up in Vernal you know, so I did 4-H and stuff. One of these days I will have a horse again. My hubby says if I want one that bad just to go get one and board it. But I hate to board, I did it with my Norman for 2 years in College and it was just way too hard, and he sat in a stall more then I liked. So he's up in Huntsville with a family of 5, I do see him once in awhile.

But it is fun to get them as babies. I acquired Norman for free. He was on a neighbors farm, and at 6 months of age decided to somehow climb up on the barn roof, they are still not sure how he did it, but we all watched him up there for hours trying to figure out how to get him down, well he slipped and he ripped a 6 inch by 4 inch chunk all the way down to the bone out of his left hip, and they were going to put him down right then, and I cried, and begged to save him. So my dad said if I wanted to try, we would try. The Vet said he would never recover. But I knew he would. So we kept it clean, and I actually poured Noni juice in it every day, and I would walk him 5 times a day to keep him moving, and sure enough he healed just fine. I loved that horse.

Love and attention goes a long way with horses!! Great story!!
I just thought I would post it here, I have 6 meat roosters and 1 cute little EE Rooster that I am selling, along with 4 EE hens that are not far away from laying.

Also if anyone is looking to get into goats....I have decided to let the goats go too.
Time to focus on my health and not so many animals....I don't have prices up on the goats yet, but if interested PM me and we can talk. http://blujemsgoats.webs.com/

roosters...not a good shot I know

I have a big tub I turned into a chick brooder. It has a screen lid. its one of theose BIG christmas storage tubs. I cut out the lid and zip tied screen to it. I'll also throw in the frame I made for the hanging heat light. Its free. first come first serve. PM me and come get it
Does anyone on here do LF black ameracaunas?

Yeah, I've got one. He's purebred and from good stock, too, so if you want him, let me know. He's free to anyone on here. I was going to keep his brother for breeding, but he got killed by a dog. This guy is quite cocky and can be a jerk, so he's headed for the soup pot if I don't rehome him soon. He looks a little scruffy because he burnt off some of his feathers on a heat lamp this winter, but he'd make beautiful babies.

I'll say this, too - he learns quick, and he's smart. He would challenge me when he was younger, and I humbled him a couple of times..........lol. He gives me plenty of respect now, even as an adult. Just shoot me a PM if you'd like him
Cynthia, I'm here, if intermittently. Been dealing with some stuff and haven't had much time or drive to be on the forums.

Doughie, love the picture. I had to save it. Laughed and laughed.

Desert, love the pics! Beautiful horses. Is that a Palomino I see? Pretty, pretty girl. And your Barred Hollands looks amazing. Thanks for taking pictures for us to see

I have collected a whopping total of three eggs from my Icelandics for my own incubation. Brats. I'm glad I was able to give some to Desert, though. I'm giving my girls more pepper to see if I can coax another egg from them, then I'm turning them free with the rest of the flock. I ended up sticking the three eggs I have under our broody SLW, who was way too happy to have them. There's no way I'm trusting my incubator again.
Lilwanis, your coops are so amazing!

Corvidae, I'm so sorry you only had 2 isbars survive the dog attack. I'd be devastated. I can't say I blame you on encouraging the crested legbars- I love those bad toupees. I am so tempted by your BLRW and your legbar. But, I will have 4 legbar hens once these newborns grow out, and that's the most I've ever committed to any one breed.

Desert, love your set up. I'm giggling over that legbar cockerel. He looks like he's going to be a very handsome boy when he grows up.

Sillycmoy, those silkies are going to be sooooo pretty!

Doughie, that is a hilarious picture! LOL

BluJems, NO MORE GOATS?! But I love hearing your goat stories!

I need to do some shuffling around with my pens. My two sick chickens are recovered enough I think they are about ready to go in with the general population. My broody mama's babies are almost as big as her, so I'm thinking of moving them out of the time out corner, but I'd have to put up chicken wire along the chain link because those babies could still fit through the fence. Then, I can put the new babies in the time out corner, and maybe my nesting broody mama in the leper colony coop. Plus, I still have the two main coops separated. I'm contemplating opening up the fence between the two, so all the change will happen at once and no one bird would get the brunt of the picking on...

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