Vampire Role-Play (Always Accepting!)

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(I really don't know yet...)

Though satisfied for the night, Isobel wanted to stay in the Village for a while, hoping to communicate with a human while the darkness made her eyes look like a dark brown, instead of the blood red that showed in the sun. She wanted company, and it would be relatively easy to not kill anyone due to her recent feeding. Her eyes skimmed the darkness, which to her, was as clear as day, looking for anyone to talk to. Her delicate hand rose to her mouth, whisking away any blood left over.
(This is where I left off.)
Willow walked through the village noticing Isobel, she froze.
The Vampire heard someone coming up behind her, and her sense of smell told her female. She whipped around, and tried to restrain herself from killing the young girl. "Hello," Isobel's voice was smoother than silk.
"H...Hello, who are you?" Willow asked nervously.
"My name is Isobel," Her voice pierced the night again. Being careful to not let her eyes catch moonlight and show their red irises, Isobel turned towards the girl. She smiled, but fast enough to not show her fangs.
"Just...walking around."
"I am too then." Her hand still had blood on it from her mouth, and she rubbed it off on her black shirt. She looked up at the moon, checking where it was in the sky to tell the time. The moon rays shone on her eyes showing the blood-red.
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