Vent gleet--have been trying to cure for 5 months with no results!


Apr 26, 2020
Hello, I have a 4.5 year old Buff Orpington named Eva who has had vent gleet since May. I started home treatment with epson salt baths, miconazole applied topically to her vent, and ACV in the water. I then did the same but switched to clotrimazole. After many baths/yeast creams later, I took her to the vet who prescribed an antibiotic and suggested I deworm the flock (which I hadn't done for a while). I did both. Her symptoms persisted...and continue to this day. The vet said to just keep bathing/applying cream indefinitely.

Not sure what to do at this point. She isn't laying. Her comb and wattles are somewhat pale. She eats/drinks/poops/acts normally. She used to be friendly but now she is a little skittish--most likely because she associates me with baths, which she hates. I wish she was healthier & that I could do something to clear up this infection.

Any advice would be welcome. Thank you!
The antibiotic would make vent gleet worse, and she'd need a course of probiotics just to counter the antibiotic, not to mention help with vent gleet.

We ferment grain here, but albeit starting something new, I'd go buy some Greek yogurt and give her a little of that every day. We use Hydro-Hen too and can put that in their water every other day or so. I'd do that for a month or so in addition to Monistat creme on the vent and a little of that orally, too, a couple times a day. You can bathe her first to get the majority of it off her rump.
Oh yeah, I knew the antibiotic could make it worse. But I didn't want to challenge the MD. I think her thought process was that it could have been bacterial (see since the anti-fungal topical medication hadn't worked.

I did give her greek yogurt & fermented feed too. Forgot to mention that in my original post.

I got and tried Hydro Hen in the water and they avoided drinking from that container. Not sure why!

I didn't know you could give Monistat orally...or that it could be used more than 1x/day. I'll give that a go.

Thanks for the suggestions!
Oh yeah, I knew the antibiotic could make it worse. But I didn't want to challenge the MD. I think her thought process was that it could have been bacterial (see since the anti-fungal topical medication hadn't worked.

I did give her greek yogurt & fermented feed too. Forgot to mention that in my original post.

I got and tried Hydro Hen in the water and they avoided drinking from that container. Not sure why!

I didn't know you could give Monistat orally...or that it could be used more than 1x/day. I'll give that a go.

Thanks for the suggestions!
I have a hen with the same issue. I've tried multiple things may of which you've tried. Mine still lays eggs. Only her vent smells yeasty. How is your hens now? Any improvement?

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