
Same! I'm really hoping it stops tomorrow, I put up a new run for my ACs and I want to get the gate built.

Thanks! That stupid pig is STILL eating my feed. He gets the layer flock's feed. He showed up immediately while I was putting that run up when he heard me fill the feeder.
No roos needed now - I had a banner year of roos to hen ratio. Seems to happen to me during really rainy years ???

Pyxis - any new developments on the coop / pig / idiot people issue ?
Pyxis - any new developments on the coop / pig / idiot people issue ?

Not yet, gonna be speaking to them the next time I can catch them outside. In the meantime, I'm thinking I'll be wrapping my feeder with welded wire - the birds will be able to stick their heads in, the pig will not. Doesn't help keep the neighbor's ducks and turkeys from eating it all, but it's a start at least.

The game cam shows that the stupid pig comes over every day around five or six o'clock. Stupid thing has a routine for coming and eating all my feed.
AH HA .... ding ding ding - the dinner bell has rung .... off goes little piggie

I wonder how many pounds of food he has stolen from you ?
A lot! It's ridiculous, between him and all their ducks and apparently their turkeys occasionally I am going through 50 pounds of feed for just that flock in three days. My birds would never eat that much on their own. I suspect the pig is taking the majority of it.

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