VERY curious! Baby chicks question


Jun 8, 2024
I got 2 "age group" within my flock. 21 chicks total. 10 is 25 day old and 11 is 18 day old. The 25 day olds were separated from the 18 day olds for about 2 weeks since the 18 day olds were a day old, with a chicken wire so everyone can see each other. I did it in an attempt to avoid bullying...? Last night I combined both age groups in one brooder. 2 nights in so far and they go and huddle with their age group. The 25 day olds together in one corner and the 18 day olds all in one corner. I am a curious mama and very interested in learning my babies. Why do they do this? Thanks ! 🙏🙏🩷💜
We got our flock before we discovered this wonderful website, didn't do the chicken wire getting-used-to phase. Worked out alright but now I know better... Our 2 age groups were 2 weeks apart. When we introduced them we put them both in a new larger brooder so that neither had "claimed" territory before they met. Still not sure if "territory claiming" is a thing in the chicken world though. Our young ones kept to themselves, huddled similar to your situations. And the older ones kept to themselves too.

Couldn't say scientifically/psychologically but I would say it's because they are so used to their own little flock they don't really want to mingle. Especially since they were together for a while with wire dividing them.

Soon they will start establishing their pecking order (can't say for sure exactly when though) and that's when they might mix a little more. For us they kept to themselves for a few minutes and then realized the other group was there to stay... :lol: There were some minor skirmishes but it was alright overall, now almost 4 years later they are a (mostly) peaceful flock. Hope things go smoothly for you!
I just threw all my chicks into the brooder as we got them. 5 the first week, 4 the second week, 4 the third week (this is our oldest batch) and they never had issues. Now, 13 of them, 1 cockerel and 12 pullets (with a couple we are still eyeballing as maybe-cockerels lol), 5-7 weeks old, they are thick as thieves.

We have a second flock, that will be "separated" by a different coop but they will all free range together, is 1 week apart as well and they do just fine, they huddle puddle together to sleep.

They *do* establish pecking orders as chicks, according to all the literature on the subject. I wouldn't worry about them separating for now, they will mingle.
I got 2 "age group" within my flock. 21 chicks total. 10 is 25 day old and 11 is 18 day old. The 25 day olds were separated from the 18 day olds for about 2 weeks since the 18 day olds were a day old, with a chicken wire so everyone can see each other. I did it in an attempt to avoid bullying...? Last night I combined both age groups in one brooder. 2 nights in so far and they go and huddle with their age group. The 25 day olds together in one corner and the 18 day olds all in one corner. I am a curious mama and very interested in learning my babies. Why do they do this? Thanks ! 🙏🙏🩷💜
There's really not much difference between chicks 7 days older than the others. Give them time to adjust

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