Very sick chicken who’s lost weight, has a crop the size of a softball, and has thrown-up. Help!

It sounds like she may be having a problem with her crop, since it was 4x normal when you found her after returning, and she had lost a lot of weight. Frequently crop issues can be related to reproductive disorders, water belly, or cancer. You can try to check the crop each morning to see if it is emptying normally overnight. This article by azygous is very good to figure out how to help her:
If she seems to be suffering or not responding to treatment, I would consider putting her down. I have lost several birds over the years whose crop problems never got better. They can suffer a lot. Let us know how she gets along.
It sounds like she may be having a problem with her crop, since it was 4x normal when you found her after returning, and she had lost a lot of weight. Frequently crop issues can be related to reproductive disorders, water belly, or cancer. You can try to check the crop each morning to see if it is emptying normally overnight. This article by azygous is very good to figure out how to help her:
If she seems to be suffering or not responding to treatment, I would consider putting her down. I have lost several birds over the years whose crop problems never got better. They can suffer a lot. Let us know how she gets along.
Thank you very much! I suspect a crop issue as well. This morning the crop was half the size it was yesterday, but still bigger than a normal crop. Her comb was also redder this morning and she fought me more than yesterday when I gave her electrolytes.

If she does not improve over the next few days, I am going to put her down so that she doesn't suffer, but I've nursed chickens back from the brink of death like her before, so I thought I would just try and see.

Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it! I will keep posting updates!
Maybe check and see if you feel a lump between her legs? I know they say to soak the hen an epsom salt bath to try and help. Also taking her somewhere quiet and dark will help. I know they recommend a calcium supplement as well but I’m not sure on the dose
@azygous can help with that! Sorry I’m not more help!
I checked and I couldn't feel any lump, but I will continue to check to make sure! Thank you!!!
In Azygous’s article, she advises using chilled coconut oil cut into small pieces to peck, up to 2 tsp twice a day. If the crop feels firm or doughy, you can massage it several times throughout the day to try and break up an impaction. Offer water often. If the crop is puffy/squishy, you can try giving Monistat or miconazole cream or suppositories orally twice a day to treat possible fungal infection. Is there a bad odor from her beak when you press on the crop?
Update June 18:

She lived through the night and her crop was half the size as it was yesterday, her comb was redder, and she fought me a little when I was feeling her crop. I think she has a sever/advanced case of sour crop, so she is definitely not out of danger yet.
Update June 18:

She lived through the night and her crop was half the size as it was yesterday, her comb was redder, and she fought me a little when I was feeling her crop. I think she has a sever/advanced case of sour crop, so she is definitely not out of danger yet.
So glad she’s fighting! Praying she overcomes this! ❤️
In Azygous’s article, she advises using chilled coconut oil cut into small pieces to peck, up to 2 tsp twice a day. If the crop feels firm or doughy, you can massage it several times throughout the day to try and break up an impaction. Offer water often. If the crop is puffy/squishy, you can try giving Monistat or miconazole cream or suppositories orally twice a day to treat possible fungal infection. Is there a bad odor from her beak when you press on the crop?
Yes, there is a bad odor. The crop however has not grown to the size it was yesterday, even though it is past mid day, so that is better, but we will see.

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