Viable treatment for Marek's Disease.

Sorry. No idea. I don’t think there is much risk of doing harm so I wouldn’t worry too much!
Okay, thanks so much for the quick response. I guess I’m just making sure there’s not a thing of overdosing with this? Like it’s 90% baicalin. And think most of the replies I was seeing was talking about skullcaps. But you’re saying it won’t do much harm to give the 250 capsule? Even if you don’t know; thanks so much for the response!
Okay, thanks so much for the quick response. I guess I’m just making sure there’s not a thing of overdosing with this? Like it’s 90% baicalin. And think most of the replies I was seeing was talking about skullcaps. But you’re saying it won’t do much harm to give the 250 capsule? Even if you don’t know; thanks so much for the response!
Well I have given mine a couple of capsules (same product) shared between a couple of them. So I have no idea of what the dose should be, but I am very confident a capsule won’t do them any harm.
I bought these for my sick girl; do you have any insight on how much I should be giving her? Each capsule is 250mg
Dose is 500mg x twice daily and may need to continue for anything from 1-4 weeks until symptoms reverse. Then she'd need to be kept on a reduced daily maintenance dose for the rest of her days.

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