
Quote: sorry to hear that. Hubby's nicknamed her 'blackhead'... I was trying for something a little less... ick. LOL

i'm sitting here just watching the babies, and I noticed something... ALL of the obvious Weeble babies have dark legs. including one Dorking x chick that also happens to be crested! LOL so that dark skin gene of his is dominant to the white skin of the dorking, but the other ee's don't pass dark skin to the dorking cross chicks (but do to other crosses). his crest goes 50/50. it kind of goes without saying that all his chicks will be blue or splash, since he's splash. (I have 2 splash chicks right now).

(now do you see why I love playing with genetics? it's a jigsaw puzzle!)

AND the crested dark skinned Dweebling (her name now) IS a pullet! (salmon colored breast feathers coming in) but she doesn't have the leg feathers that many of his chicks get...

so he's a mix of genetics but seems to 'stamp' his babies pretty definitely regardless of what he's bred to. even the EE-weebies.

Dweebling is the one all the way at the back to the right with a brown Mohawk.
Anyone in Va close to NEWKENT County?

Louisa here! We're close to everybody, 'cept maybe Lee County...

Welcome to the Va thread!
Chickens and grass.
Do your chickens eat crab grass? At least .... I think that's what I've got in my run. Tough, wirey stuff that will trip you if you get your toe under a runner. Everyone keeps talking about chickens stripping the run bare. But I was in there taking down some temp fence yesterday and I'm going to have to run the weedeater if it gets much higher.
Maybe I'm just feeding them too many kitchen scraps so they don't want the grass???
Chickens and grass.
Do your chickens eat crab grass? At least .... I think that's what I've got in my run. Tough, wirey stuff that will trip you if you get your toe under a runner. Everyone keeps talking about chickens stripping the run bare. But I was in there taking down some temp fence yesterday and I'm going to have to run the weedeater if it gets much higher.
Maybe I'm just feeding them too many kitchen scraps so they don't want the grass???
lol don't know, sorry. I still can't figure out why my horses won't eat ONE patch of clover on the property, but there's no green growing anywhere else. LOL

grass? there isn't any. except for where they haybales set, and they won't eat that either.

the chickens will nibble just about every weed we have growing tho... but they leave my tomatoes alone until they start to ripen.
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Nope mine eat that same type you have Debbie, hence why I was kinda shocked to see green things in your run. In fact I have that open portion of our run closed off when I can't be here in the evenings so it can grow back!
Me thinks you have either picky girls or very satisfied girls.

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