
I think it DEFINATELY qualified as a 'decent swap'! (o: There were probably 20+ vendors there and I think that just about everyone bought/sold/traded a good amount of items/animals. Was happy to meet some new friends and to make contact with a few folks who I met at the last one. If you attended - what did you buy/sell?? I sent my beautiful - but mean rooster away (still kinda sad about how quiet the yard is now... and waiting for the baby roos to grow up a bit). Also picked up some jellies and pumpkin butter to give as a birthday gift later that day. Came VERY close to taking home an orange kitten and KDBeads' lovely silky-x pullet.
Yeah, but miss Frieda went home with a really nice couple who have a MUCH smaller flock than I do and I think she'll fit in pretty good with none of my Andalusian girls to pick on her!

Very good swap turnout, I was impressed. So far the word from Hargraves is that we can do it again, just have to work out a date.
We had them when I was a kid. they are fun to cuddle. and now with the concept of using a rabbit tractor, I wouldn't have to clean their hutch (much) I am seriously thinking about it...
Has anyone on here had issues with VA cities re-zoning for chickens or changing the zoning??

Hampton currently has 175 ft setback, but then no limits on chickens unless you get noise or smell complaints...

there is a proposal to change it to 20ft setback but the chicken limit will then be 4 hens no roosters... since I am currently at 11 I am not liking it too much.

There is a council meeting about it next month, and I was wondering if anyone on here likes their current city laws on chickens
playing with the camera today... not really chicken related, but I just wanted to share.

my livestock guardians.

Sunny takes care of the bigger critters, the cat (Hunter officially, but Fuzzbutt fondly) takes care of the smaller things and tells Sunny where the bigger ones are while he hangs out on top of the car or truck.

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