Walk in the Wild~~Wolf RPG *NEEDS MEMBERS*

Aquila caught her in the neck squeezing it and tossed her hopefully hitting the tree. Aquila came up at her, "This is for almost killing me and taking what was mine!" she howled. She tried to snatch Krystal by the neck again.
Krystal slammed against a tree, "Have what?" she squaled. Then she was picked up by Aquila's teeth again.
Aquila started to squeeze again and toss her hoping her to hit a stone. She then looked at Cara, "Never." she said with her eyes blood shot red and her markings.
Krystal hit a rock with her head and started to bleed even more, she barely got up, "What did I take!" she growled, then collapsed.
Aquila looked at her, "You know now give it back!" she snarled. She sprinted to Krystal and aiming to snag her by the neck.
Krystal shook her head and was sagged once again by the neck. She dangled there, "What are you talking about?" she asked, loosing so much blood.
Aquila ignored Okami then swung her around and threw her so far away. "You should have just given it back!" she snapped.
Krystal was swung looked at the fawn above her and smacked into a boulder, she got up, "I have no idea what your talking about...you demon." she squaled, then collapsed laying there, with blood gushing out. Her fur dyed purple.

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