Wanting to make nesting boxes out of this trunk/thing. Any ideas?

Brooders need to be just tall enough for a hen to be comfortable standing up. I don't know any average heights of Bantams so can't help there other than they're small.
Really there's no set height other than you want your roosts higher than your nest boxes to deter sleeping in them.
Another thing to consider especially if your doing brooder/nest boxes/roosts all stacked is that's pretty high and consider when they fly down at that angle they need the floor space to land without hitting a wall and think about aging birds and they're limits. This may not be an issue if your building a small bantam brooder but it would if say you have a large bird that unexpectedly goes broody, now this brooder is too short.

My 2 brooders in the Marans coop are 22 1/2" tall to the bottom of the poop boards, but I hadn't planned on building them when I built the poop boards/roosts, they were just a quick... "I need brooders now".
I'm talking average sized birds. If this stacked set up is for a bantam coop it could possibly work great. Of course your nest boxes don't need to be tall either so that lowers your roost height also. 👍
Oh wait nvm 28” you said from bottom to roost? Ok talk to me like I’m an idiot, how tall should just the brooder part

Brooders need to be just tall enough for a hen to be comfortable standing up. I don't know any average heights of Bantams so can't help there other than they're small.
Really there's no set height other than you want your roosts higher than your nest boxes to deter sleeping in them.
Another thing to consider especially if your doing brooder/nest boxes/roosts all stacked is that's pretty high and consider when they fly down at that angle they need the floor space to land without hitting a wall and think about aging birds and they're limits. This may not be an issue if your building a small bantam brooder but it would if say you have a large bird that unexpectedly goes broody, now this brooder is too short.

My 2 brooders in the Marans coop are 22 1/2" tall to the bottom of the poop boards, but I hadn't planned on building them when I built the poop boards/roosts, they were just a quick... "I need brooders now".
My bantam gal is from foot to booty 4 inches tall. Her booty floof is taller than her head. I want her to utilize the brooder part. But the nesting boxes will be for any of my layers, standards and legbars. Yes floor space I know about, and also my chickens don’t like to jump/fly at a diagonal. Can they yes, and then disrupt the entire flock- it’s not graceful. I had a chicken that decided her roosting spot wasn’t good enough. After 6 months of that being her spot, she decided she wanted to sleep waayyy over in the corner roost. Off she jumped, missed the landing because a chicken was ALREADY there, and tried to catch herself by grabbing the rooster. He got spooked and next thing I knew all the chickens were screaming and jumping around from roost to roost. I had one who literally was hanging onto the wire mesh on the window. Fun times in our fluffy butt hut!
I would think the brooder would be ok at 6" taller than your Bantam head to toe. You could make it a little taller if you felt like adding a roost in the brooder for her and chicks if your keeping her separated that long.
Also consider if you have a nest box she goes broody in, you'll want to move her into the brooder either before hatch or after with the nest box and account for that height and making it easy to go thru the door.
Bookmarking this awesome info!! Thank you so much! (This doesn’t mean I won’t continue to ask MANY more questions).

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