was 3 now 2

was 3 now 2

In the Brooder
Mar 24, 2025
hello byc, I started with my girls in October. Three beautiful Easter Eggers hens. One lost to a hawk. I had a netting over the edges of my garden where they stayed. I was shocked to come home and find my Ruthie just a pile of feathers. The hawk went right under that netting and had a meal. My girls started laying their eggs around February 19th. Perfect size, then March 15 Winnie laid a tiny egg. Why did that happen?
I was fermenting their feed. But with only two it seem like the feed was molding. I tried less. It still wasn't going fast enough. Could that be it?


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Welcome to BYC! Chickens can lay those tiny eggs from time to time. (There are a lot of different names for those eggs.) We have a pullet that recently laid her first egg and it was tiny like that! But her “sister” (same breed/hatch date from the same breeder) started laying and her eggs have been huge! We have another hen who is now “retired” who sometimes laid those small eggs after going broody or molting… but not every time. Her “sisters” never laid the tiny eggs. So, I guess some do and some don’t! Sounds like yours was for a different reason, though. Maybe just a glitch? I’ve heard that happens.

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