Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

YAY!!! make sure to post pictures when ya get him. and remember at first he'll likely be nervous going into another dogs territory.

Yeah, pics will be posted. I'm sure he'll be a bit nervous at first but Scruff (our Airedale) is just a big puppy and not at all alpha, so she won't intimidate him. Plus, he'll be recovering from the neuter surgery, so we'll just have to keep him quiet for a day or so. Since it will be the evening when he comes home, it will be close to bedtime anyway.

I wish I could save more animals - I hate to see them in those cages at the shelter, even though I know they are doing the best they can. The animals seem so sad, and then so happy when you take them out.
I've yet to meet a mastiff which wasn't perfectly aware of how scary they are, and did everything in it's power to make sure it kept its manners and behaved kindly.

On the other hand, the more I think of it, the surer I am that I need a Corgie.
Ah, Corgis! We really loved our little girl (Pembroke not Cardigan). Nice mannered, intelligent and a wonderful foot warmer. Ours had a fine figure even to the day she died.

I'm looking forward to the new boy though - I'm sure he'll keep this girl in check!
Thank you and welcome!

What breeds are you thinking about or haven't you decided yet?
Thanks! I am thinking EEs I'm only allowed 4 per city code, but I am only thinking of having 2 or 3. I also gonna try to keep the coop on the small side as I need a permit for anything 200 sq ft or larger, granted 200 sq ft seem rather large.
Some of my rare breed Chickens.

These are my Breda Fowl Chickens along with Bluebell on the left who was given to me by Ron.

This is George, about the friendliest rooster that I have had.

This is Konan, my Cream Legbar pullet from hatching eggs from Tennessee.

This is Kisame, also from hatching eggs from Tennessee. They joined my other Cream Legbar chickens in the coop yesterday.
Thank you! I was hoping to hear a response like yours. I hope I have equal luck mixing non vaccinated birds with the vaccinated ones, because that's what I was planning to do. I haven't heard any horror stories on this yet, so for now I'm going with that. Thanks again!

No problem.

I think I'm going to have to let my English Orpington s go so if anyone is thinking of getting some please pm me soon. We have to much money going out on chicken food right now hubby says.
I need to take photos of the Blues Brothers Show Band tomorrow, or maybe even this evening. I got a look at them perched last night and they've doubled in size in a week, I swear: the biggest cockerel (the blue I'm growing out for my cousin) is almost as big as the Australorp broodie hen. I'll be glad to have my young apprentice show up tomorrow, since I'll need help getting pens finished and chickens moved around in the next couple of weeks, and then I'll be taking the Hamburg cockerels and straight-combed hen and three of the four Am/Am+Au cockerels to the auction and getting two splash pullets to Totalcolour.

They are really pretty, pretty birds; one each of the cockerels and pullets have the same darker-grey hood marking that their father did, that always made him look as if he was scowling, but they've all got full beards and correct leg color for Am. Two of the cockerels have less then absolutely perfect pea combs, though- not single combs per se but with a distinct emphasis on the center row of peas.

I'm not absolutely sure if I have a porcelain pullet in the pen of Barbu d'Anvers chicks. That's sort of OK- I have Deary, after all, and the self-blue pullet will produce blue mottled chicks that bred back to porcelain will make 50% porcelain.

Gotta go feed that spoiled darn sheep; I gave him a carrot broken into chunks and some lettuce this afternoon and he ate the lettuce and threw the carrot out of the pen.
I posted a while ago about one of my hens that I thought could be a rooster. Everyone who answered my post seemed to think hen. Then she started making this crazy crowing sound so I thought she is a he. The other two hens have since started laying, and Crazy Scarlett has begun squatting consistently when I go to pick her up. She is incredibly loud and starts early in the morning and squawks and screams throughout the day. No such noises from the other two hens, just a little muttering before and after laying. I check for eggs from Scarlett when she starts the noise but nothing. I'm afraid I'm going to have to rehome her to the country before the neighbors revolt. Here is what she sounds like:

I have one girl, a Swedish Flower Hen, who started doing that for an hour or more every day, but much louder, just before she began to lay. Now that she's laying she does it less. Just as loud, but not as long. The change was gradual -- when she was waiting her turn for the nest box she would stand in the doorway and make a huge racket. Now that she's figured out she can share the box it's much easier on us all!

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