Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

BTW @Chickielady is it possible to actually be drinking to much kombucha? That stuff is addictive. I've finally been able to split off of a scoby for a 5th jar.
I have 3 big scobies & a baby...the baby is in a 1 gallon jar....
My birds never dust bathe in the same place for more than a few days! I used to try adding this or that, but then they move on. I gave up!
My birds dust bathe where ever they want all summer long, but when the rains come (IF THEY EVER COME !!!) the dust bath trough is located in each coop (for each breed) and in the mortar trough, goes sand, DE and/or wood stove ashes.
I agree, as a wormer it is pretty useless, but has its uses as I have stated. Most folks that have a woodstove will have equal benefits (in my opinion) with their ashes saved for use in the dust bath.

I put the ashes around my roses and cane berries, the birds love it under there too. Good to know that I have all sorts of parasite control, even if unintended.

The girls gave us our first egg!! I'm thinking it was one of the Easter Eggers. They are about 18 weeks.

Good job!
BTW @Chickielady is it possible to actually be drinking to much kombucha? That stuff is addictive. I've finally been able to split off of a scoby for a 5th jar.

So far, I have 3-1/2 gallon jars and 2-1 gallon jars going 24/7............which has given me about 15-12oz (second ferment) bottles a week.
Of these, I have been giving them to my Dad, once a week I take him at least 12 bottles.
I myself have not had much.
But, since I spent yesterday getting 3 CT scans, 1 of which with contrast dye (OMG the radiation !) I figure I better drink at least a half gallon of it today to clean the gunk out of my bod.

Dad can buy his at Costco now.
Hi,i don't know….the several broodies i have right now with chicks are not friendly toward others….but years ago i had a hen who would take on any chick so that was what i was hoping to find…..

Thanks Coop de doo, after speaking with a breeder from craigslist, to start what i had hoped to do, its better to have a hen already comfortable here rather than include the stress of moving from their home and what they know.

Have you rattled @Hinotori 's cage ?
She raises Silkies....
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I do not know if I posted about my Blue OE girl with the sour crop ?
Her surgery (last week) went fine, and she has been 'resting' in a pen by herself...tonight I will go out & get her & inspect the stitches and if it all looks good, she'll get back in her own coop.
My concern now is how the crop does not look as if it is asending at all...still pendulous, and my concern is food will accumulate once again as the crop droops down so low...
I think she needs a crop bra to hold the crop up for a while, so that may be my chore for today:
A crop bra.
Maybe I can use a hen saddle upside down ?
I put the ashes around my roses and cane berries, the birds love it under there too. Good to know that I have all sorts of parasite control, even if unintended.

I am not positive, but pretty sure, most berries, especially blueberries, love acid.
Wood ash, especially hard wood ash, is alkaline to the point of sweetening your soils a lot & may irritate the berries.
To make soap:
First save hard wood ashes, and then you leach water through the ash which creats lye.
The lye is mixed with lard (in a pot) and was then cast in trays, cooled & cut into soap bars.
Weird, huh ?
So make sure the berries you are using the ash with, really are not acid lovers.

a site: http://www.countryfarm-lifestyles.com/make-lye.html#.Vd3nI2mFPcs
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Hi,i don't know….the several broodies i have right now with chicks are not friendly toward others….but years ago i had a hen who would take on any chick so that was what i was hoping to find…..

Thanks Coop de doo, after speaking with a breeder from craigslist, to start what i had hoped to do, its better to have a hen already comfortable here rather than include the stress of moving from their home and what they know.

Have you rattled @Hinotori
's cage ?
She raises Silkies....

Some of my girls are evil and attack me when broody. They also work in groups of evil to protect the chicks. The very best broodies I've ever had were EEs and Ameraucana. Especially that ameraucana, but she's people friendly and a snuggler (which she initiates). I gave her chicks then took out more a week later and offered them carefully in full daylight so see reaction. Most hens will attack. She reached out and started stuffing them under her. I just wish the big birds went broody more. The most reliable is the EE that goes two times a year.

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