Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Wishing for calmness and a hubby who doesn't feel the need to be out in town all the time dragging me with him.I told him there are plenty of chores here to burn off energy.

I need to set eggs as one of my very reliable EE hens went broody. She's very good with chicks.
magpie eggs for sale $20 doz
That's really cool... I've never heard of magpie ducks. It would be really cool to have some but I don't think the whole family is into ducks right now.
My surgery has been postponed yet again due to a skin rash. It needs to heal completely before the surgeon will schedule my surgery. I have been off my feet for a couple weeks already and I will be off my feet for three weeks following surgery. I tore the tendon nearly eight months ago and kept walking on it by using ibuprofen for pain and swelling but now on pain killer I can no longer bear weight on my ankle.

Our Silkies decided to hatch chicks so we have our first batch today. One did not make it so my husband took the rest inside to raise. Since four are splash, which is my favorite color, we want to be able to keep pullets to make more splash Silkies. These babies are just in time for Easter.

I am tempted to start hatching ducklings but they would hatch before I am on my feet with some weight bearing. My hope is that the hens will hatch their own ducklings but the crows get to the eggs if we do not collect them from the yard. I have someone hatching a batch of eggs and she may hatch some more but she lives too far to pick them up on a regular basis. I am considering selling the eggs but I have no control over whether or not they will hatch in someone else's incubator if they are not experienced at hatching duck eggs. I love hatching but I need to stay off my feet for awhile.
@ Chickielady

Said but I most likely would have done the same thing as Mr. Einstein. Wife yell at me all the time for what she consider to common sense but couldn't understand why I can't things her ways. Anyhow.. I continues doing what I'm doing and just fellow up with yes... you were right... :)

This old dog just can't learn new tricks.

Din Din !! LOL
I need to set eggs as one of my very reliable EE hens went broody. She's very good with chicks.

:yesss: I love broody hens! The best set it and forget it incubators. What are you going to set?

Well I have four broody silkies as well. I don't have the broody pens set up right now so eggs are going in incubator for safety. Wheaten/blue wheaten ameraucana and partridge silkies.

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