Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I am so sick of Hillary Clinton & her he-whore husband (pointing a stink finger at Trump as a whore !) and Trump as a ego-TESTICAL blowhard !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am looking into Gary Johnson......please, anyone who will stop the drama & argueing & corruption !
I live on the edge of a marsh with soil that is full of clay. I'm just happy our septic works. The best spots have other things on them so the chickens get subprime locations. If I hose anything here, I have water on the ground for a while during half the year so I try and avoid adding water. 

The soil has built up over time in the big pen and it doesn't have standing water anymore and is actually higher than the area around it. When we move everything over there so that the shop can be built, I'm hoping to have enough light so that I can put a garden patch there. I had a pen in the garden for two years. That is some awesome soil there now

You have been here a few times & know how the mountain is directly behind the "compound" and so soil erosion, a wash of water & silty clay washes down & builds up, then the birds trample enough up to where the end event is a slurry of poop soup here............then I can hose it to wash down further.
Our septic is a $30K work of art......necessary as we live so close to the water...
The good part is you can hose off clay like it was a sidewalk !
I only worry about the slurry of poop contaminating any wells we have..................but we have a series of filters, IV radiators, and then a final dosatron of chlorine before we store our water in tanks........where is your well ?
Having 99.99999% clay here on the shoreline...no fresh water can penetrate & perking a septic is difficult....we have a series of pipes & a pump that floods the pipes to distribute affluent over a 1 acre area !
It is a drainfield of dreams !
Cost almost as the property !
Einstein has found & dug 2 wells now that trickle about 200 gallons a day, all year round, without power, and they are all UP HILL from the house  like a slphon.......he blows my mind sometimes.........when he is not underfoot......................

Our well is closer to the pond than the house. The septic dates back to the 50s at least since that's when they quit doing this style. We're going to put in a big new one. Probably just do a mound type.

Beavers suck rear. Where the ponds are used to be hay fields according to some of our older neighbors. The stream that runs across our property was straightened where it went through the fields. You can see this on the satellite view as it's the deepest part of the pond. Most of the wood fence posts are still intact and standing in the water from the property line fence. The water at those points is about 3 feet deep. I measured the posts up front here at 4 feet.

I come across odd things out in the brush all the time. Remnants of very old cross fencing. Old middens. What I'm pretty sure is another old septic tank over near the other seasonal stream. That matches up with one neighbor saying he remembered a small house over there.
Our well is closer to the pond than the house. The septic dates back to the 50s at least since that's when they quit doing this style. We're going to put in a big new one. Probably just do a mound type.

Beavers suck rear. Where the ponds are used to be hay fields according to some of our older neighbors. The stream that runs across our property was straightened where it went through the fields. You can see this on the satellite view as it's the deepest part of the pond. Most of the wood fence posts are still intact and standing in the water from the property line fence. The water at those points is about 3 feet deep. I measured the posts up front here at 4 feet.

I come across odd things out in the brush all the time. Remnants of very old cross fencing. Old middens. What I'm pretty sure is another old septic tank over near the other seasonal stream. That matches up with one neighbor saying he remembered a small house over there.
Wow I can understand.....when we first got here we were outsiders enough that no matter who we asked, no one knew nothing about this hunk of land.
Now, they come outta the woodwork, knowing where their friend's great grandfather had a cranberry farm here, and another who had a still, and 2 said there was a small house UP where the mini barn is today..............and yet another says they remember the house that was at the foot of the hill (where our gate is!)
Odd enough, after a hard rain I often see bizarre items, as if washed ashore after a Pacific Storm !
I found so many tea cups & plates, a a few egg timers, and so many odd things 9to see in the dirt) that I figure the home that was there (where the mini barn is) was destryed by fire.......and STUFF is everywhere buried over & covered by gravel & appropriately groomed for the new buyers to come along.............we have found tires, GLASS of every kind & type & thickness..........cups, spoons, forks, and spatterings of doo-doo that are all normalcy in a HOME...I wish I could find out more about that home, and home owner....some day I will.
I've decided to get into the Halloween spirit and take the chickens to a horror house. There's a KFC down the road
I am doing (did) home made gluten free SHAKE N BAKE which I LOVE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I was after burgers on the barbie but Einstein did not want to undo the covers off the barbie.................

So I have chicken my way~~~~~~~~~~~ and smells so yummy in here !!!!!!!!!!!!

I have my own GF "11 herbs and spices" and breading..........anyone GF or w/celiac disease....give me a PM for the recipe...
I'm always finding things around here, too. The chickens have actually dug up some silverware. And the cast iron tub that is my onion and pea garden was under a few feet of leaf litter and ferns. There is a rusted out lawn mower trailer in the woods that I still have managed to get out. And one of the dogs dug up a bunch of nylon rope and some inner tubes in the backyard, like someone just threw a bunch of sod on top of their junk pile.
I'm always finding things around here, too. The chickens have actually dug up some silverware. And the cast iron tub that is my onion and pea garden was under a few feet of leaf litter and ferns. There is a rusted out lawn mower trailer in the woods that I still have managed to get out. And one of the dogs dug up a bunch of nylon rope and some inner tubes in the backyard, like someone just threw a bunch of sod on top of their junk pile.
We are finding all sorts of goodies out here as well the most
recent was a 1939 wheat penny.. a dog chew not very old
like a rubber denta stick
so ending the day new tarp covering the door tonight
old tarp piece is out of the run backing the
remainder of the old tarp as we move it back to leave just the new one
Reminds me. I need to haul that iron tub out of the trees this winter after the grass has fully died back. It's going in the garden. I'm already using an ancient wheelbarrow in there as a planter
Reminds me. I need to haul that iron tub out of the trees this winter after the grass has fully died back. It's going in the garden. I'm already using an ancient wheelbarrow in there as a planter
sounds neat I have the toilet from the rv the guys demolished for
a flatbed and a variety of other strange things
There is no way hubby would let me use a toilet for a planter. He won't let me use the old cast iron pedestal sink for one.

Of course he doesn't want me to have naked necked birds either and I'm really considering sneaking a bearded showgirl or two into the pen

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