Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Hello Washington Peeps! My family and I and our 5 chickens recently moved just north of Seattle to Shoreline, WA. We have a trip coming up over Christmas and I am searching for a chicken sitter to look in on the girls a few times while we are gone. They won't need much, just basically ensuring they have food and haven't somehow tipped their water. Their coop has no pop door to the run so they can go in and out without being let out in the morning, so the checks could really be at the chicken sitters convenience. Let me know if you guys have any leads, or if any of you would be willing to help us out. As an FYI, I am absolutely willing to sit other peoples chickens should the need arise! Thanks!
good morning @kimberliegbisho we live awfully far away but did want to
Babies are growing and changing so fast! Raised the EcoGlow heat plate today when I cleaned the brooder. The two oldest ones are trying to fly everywhere. The younger ones are all losing their newly hatched looks! So enamored with them all.

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