Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

It is awfully smokey here.sun sun is casting orange shadows.
It bothers me when you can smell it, and every so often it really stinks like the fires are closer............scarey !
My "day off" today...I napped.
I blew out my neck a week ago and it hurt so bad couldn't turn my head or look up and felt like a screaming migrain up the back of my head, even my neck lymphs hurt !
I got muscle relaxers yesterday...and it is much better.
And I am sleepy slow today.
My next breeding project is going to be silver Barnevelder x White (pure silver) Sulmtaler pullet.
Silver Sulmtalers...should be cool !
I have one pullet hatched this spring that is all white, crest & all, and seems to have some feathered shanks.
I guess she is from the silver cuckoo hen that was hanging out in the Sulmtaler coop over winter, and egg I hatched for the heck of it.
And what a cool looking pullet !
My next breeding project is going to be silver Barnevelder x White (pure silver) Sulmtaler pullet.
Silver Sulmtalers...should be cool !
I have one pullet hatched this spring that is all white, crest & all, and seems to have some feathered shanks.
I guess she is from the silver cuckoo hen that was hanging out in the Sulmtaler coop over winter, and egg I hatched for the heck of it.
And what a cool looking pullet !

that would be cool post a photo please
Just finished a potato salad for dinner but have not stepped back out oh my lot's more haze out there now the porch is showing over 90 by a few degrees

I haven't gone out for a few hours...guess I better go check on things.
Two months ago when it got so super hot, it was 105 here.on all 4 of our thermometers, all in the shade.
We had that also a few months ago remember as a child the temps where like this but never fazed we spent all day out in it look like little indians as Ma called us so tan...... now bones ache our's is in the shade also... BF and I are headed camping for 3 days over my birthday leaving Sunday back Wednesday... James will take care of the house and birds, dogs and cats
So where you going for camping in this heat ?
Hopefully down to Oregon beaches ?
It has been a nice 75 down there.

It is only 95 here in the shade of the front of the house.
Sunny back porch is reading 109...my poor chest freezer !!!

My goats are laying in the sun in the hot dry dusty corral....they absolutely love the dry hot weather & HATE rain.
So far, it is staying comfortable indoors, so the massive load of insulation in this hose is working !
Barn roof trusses and 18" of insulation !
Jan 18 2013 008.jpg

Itchy 18 inch thick insulation.jpg

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