Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

She is way smaller than the other chicks, and they all hatched on the same day.

This may not be the same problem, but I used to worry myself sick about Latte because she was so much smaller than the rest. It turned out I had a brooder full of boys and one girl.

Your chicks are still pretty little. Little chicks sleep a lot. Latte was my "sleeper" and I think it may have been because the boys were so spunky and always ate first. My current brooder - the same thing is happening. The chicks that I think are boys eat before the girls. The poor girls have to wait. "Ladies first" doesn't seem to happen in the chicken world.

Someone else mentioned letting her have electrolytes separately. I would do that. Maybe also offer her chick feed separately, too.

Also - very important at this age - check for pasty butt. Pasty butt can kill a chick. I almost lost my hatchery RIR when I was a new chicken mama because she came home from the feed store with pasty butt. She was a pretty weak little girl until I gave her bath and dried her off well. After that, she thrived.

I really hope that your cute little Hope is OK.
Man, today I am just in a BLAH kinda mood. Not really sure why. I should be in a good mood, this week went so fast for me, today is Friday, got two of my tattoos redone yesteday, all kids, chickens, chicks and orher animals are fine, but I am just blah.

Starting this weekend, I am going to begin sorting through every thing in the house and our 100 storage boxes to get rid of most of it I just have way to much crud. Going to have a in ”barn” garage sale hopefully soon. It'll be nice to not have so much stuff to move or store.

The word "sorting" probably adds to the blah mood. We have to do the same thing. It's not fun! Depressing actually. We have to get Christmas boxes back up in the attic and take on the dreaded garage. Ugh!

I have a "big" chair/ottoman I need to get listed and sell, too. I'm not looking forward to stranger coming over to look at it. I dread selling things on Craig's List. It is just way too big for our house. I wanted to sell it before Christmas, but DH wasn't ready to let go of it because it is very big and comfy to him. He's finally OK with saying goodbye to it now because I managed to whine about it long enough. I want space in my small house!
Do any of you use vitamin supplements besides what's in the feed? Do you give a special diet to birds you're breeding or showing?

No. Just feed. Unless meal worms have vitamins in them. My birds get those for treats when I'm trying to get them back into the run.

ETA: We don't show our birds. They are just pets.
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Argh.... that just hurts! And now I'm going to get on my soap box.... sorry.
We ALL can use a skill saw safely and competently (unless there is some debilitating issue)! My DH would love to wrap me in cotton and tell me I can't lift, pull, dig, hammer, saw, drill, or walk across the room all by my little helpless self! And it makes my blood boil! As long as you pay attention and use a lot of good sense when it comes to using the tools safely you can use them as well or better than anyone else! If you want to feel helpless for the rest of your life then fine. If you want to feel capable and self reliant then get out there and learn to do everything you can. Go to a class or just find a person with a really good track record of using power tools safely and get them to show you the ropes. If you can safely use a hot stove and sharp knives with kids all around then obviously you know there are hazards to be mindful of. Same thing with power tools. You just need to know what hazards to be mindful of, it's not rocket science.... want proof.... how bright are all those guys building houses and such. They don't get hired because they have a high IQ, they get hired because they know how to use the tools. It's doesn't take muscles either, it takes attention to detail and a little training. Fathers teach their sons, so they can teach their sisters, wives, and daughters, too. They have (or used to have) wood shop classes in Jr. High. Tell me you are LESS capable than a 12 year old! That is unless they are lousy teachers which some people are, sex isn't a factor there. Just Do It, you'll be glad you did!

I apologize to anyone that may take offense by this, but I've had to deal with the "Weaker Sex" issue WAY too many times in my life. Thank goodness it's not a belief that is held by ALL, but definitely by too many, men and women alike. I am not a male basher. I want EVERYONE to break down the gender boundaries that keep us all so limited in so many useless ways.

Ok, I'm done. I've said my piece.

LOVE it! Before I got married I used to say I could do whatever I needed to do except electrical work. So, I married an electrician. Unfortunately, you know that saying "the cobbler's kids have no shoes"? Well....

I have a dream... that someday my chicken coop will not be lit by battery operated light that I have to turn on and off each evening!
Hope is doing fine now, I took them off electrolytes today. I definitely think she's going to make it. They've been eating chick grit, medicated chick starter, and treats of mealworms. She's getting bigger, and Klondike takes good care of her. She is my sweetest chick, I'm planning on using her for showmanship.
The topic came up with him because I have been obsessing about building a shed/coop and asking him questions like "Would I be able to cut large pieces for a coop by myself on the table saw", and his response was that he would rather I didn't do it by myself. It's not like he forbid me to use it or anything :) The first time I use it I would prefer that he be there, but I'm sure I could learn to do it myself. I hate using the jig saw, it's so bleeping slow.

I would have to agree with him. Large pieces of wood are awkward to cut. DH and I will cut large pieces of wood together. The piece that is getting cut off can fall and can cause serious injuries. There are jobs in carpentry that take two.
Hope is doing fine now, I took them off electrolytes today. I definitely think she's going to make it. They've been eating chick grit, medicated chick starter, and treats of mealworms. She's getting bigger, and Klondike takes good care of her. She is my sweetest chick, I'm planning on using her for showmanship.

Yay! So happy for you!!!!
When your chicks are about a month old and the dust and the smell starts to permeate the house... well, let's just say it is inspirational in getting a husband to build a coop ASAP.

Ha! Ha! DH just mentioned this morning that he wants the chicks OUT of the garage in the next week or so and it is time we both put the effort to getting the mini chicken tractor with coop finished up. Even though they are in the garage, the dust is coming through the furnace system into the house. Ugh!

Now that the derby track is finished, he sounds like he's willing to help get that done. We're remodeling it - and we have to unscrew and take the heavy house off the base. I have to have his help to get it done.

We need to figure out how to use the heat lamp when they are outdoors. He said we'll put the tractor beneath the boat tent - but I'm not sure if hanging a light over the run will be enough, or if we'll have to find a smaller heat lamp (if there is such a thing) to put inside the small tractor house.
And here is the sneak peak at my almost done coop!!!!
What material are you using for this coop?
It's actually 80lb sheet foam. I have an uncle who works for GP in Tacoma and this was some "oops" material for a plane. It is great to work with, it cuts like butter and is an 1" thick so the girls will be well insulated. The inside was sealed with tinted sealer/primer and the outside is currently getting a coat of Venetian plaster, and we'll seal that too! The roofs (roves?) are also made out of this material and are planned to get a gold/copper car-enamel. :0D

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