Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

It's so hard to go to sleep when there are pips in the bator!!! Ahhh, if I could I would just stand there and watch all night lol


gah, how could one?! pix for the rest of us jones-ers as soon as they start popping, pleeease

mines still 11 days away

my old school bator is closer, but gets kinda annoyed at me staring at her all night.
Australorps and Orpingtons looks like likely canidates right now. I don't want Marans because of the feathered feet. We get so much standing water here it is horrible on foot feathering. I have some hatchery Brahmas who's leg feathers has taken a beating. My large fowl have learned to hunt small bugs in the puddles and in the shallow areas of the marsh. The Silkies don't usually go into the water, so their feathering is good.

We haven't had good luck with hatchery rocks and brahmas so I'm not really wanting more hatchery birds. The hatchery EEs have been fairly good birds, though. They are still laying quite well at 2 years old with an average of 5 eggs a week from them. The rocks at 2 years are giving 2 eggs a week each. The brahmas will be a year old in July and I get 4 eggs a week each from them.

So I've had my ameraucana rooster and five of the hens in a separate pen for the last 5 days. They are so mad at me because I won't let them out to free range. My poor rooster is growing his beard back in finally now that he's away from the EEs who like to pluck it. He had such a nice beard before they started doing that. The young cockerel is still in with the laying flock and doesn't know what to do now. He's not mature and is terrified of all the girls.

The chicks I bought at the show on the 20th are doing very good. The broody takes them in for bed earlier and they sleep under her at first. After all the other silkies go to bed, they will spread out under and against them. The chicks really love the roosters. The chicks 5 weeks older than them will compete with them for space under the head rooster.
Wow it's quiet here this morn!
rain scare everyone away?
Nothing peeping under miss psycho buffs' behind yet.. any day now! The EF egg's still looking promising last I got to peek!

I'm supposedly going to the Tulip festival at some point this week

Guess that means I shall shut up and get my booty going on finishing up the front yards divide and concur the bulbs task.

Sun's supposed to come out sometime soonish, Hang in there y'all!!

Blackie broke the wound open last night. She may have gotten scared being in the house in a kennel by herself. Her little kennel house is back outside inside the PVC tractor and she seems to be content right now.

We superglued again this morning. I don't know if it will heal correctly now though. Time will tell.
We get so much standing water here it is horrible on foot feathering. I have some hatchery Brahmas who's leg feathers has taken a beating.

I hear ya! Drama's feet feathers are OK - but, being white, they are always muddy looking. I don't even think washing them would clean them. They appear to be permanently stained a light shade of brown.
Something I've been thinking about: if a hen is going to be a broody, when will it start? Does it vary from bird to bird? I'm just wondering because I'm hoping that one of my super-friendly girls will be a broody so that I can get some English Orpingtons in a few years. They're all one year old, so I'm wondering if I should give up hope since no one has gone broody yet.
It probably depends on the individual bird. I have a black Australorp and a gold Wyandotte that are broody right now. They both hatched chicks last year and they were both just over one year old. They were both great moms. the Australorp is two weeks in and the Wyandotte is one week in. BOTH are sitting on wood eggs. my plan is to put a couple of chicks under each. I DON'T want any more chicks this year !!!
If anybody wants a broody Australorp or Wyandotte they are FREE
Quote: I have an older Canon rebel. My mom has Canon also. Hers are much newer than mine, so we used those at the wedding. One she just got a couple of months ago, it was on sale for $999, body only. Good grief. Maybe someday. That is really awesome about the light box and even cooler that you found that you were related. I like genealogy, but have not really gotten into it yet. It is always interesting to find out how we are linked to each other. My mom had a friend who used to babysit my brothers, whos maiden name was Zumwalt. Her name was Tina. All I really remember was their house and their giant Akita named bear. I tried elk for the first time at their house.

My mom used to oil paint. She also made tiny little sculptures using Fimo. She has some little things that we made from it as kids. I don't know if they even still make that stuff, but it was a lot of fun to work with. The only really artistic thing I do is photography. I like painting furniture, but am just getting started and am not awesome at it yet. I have recently started making little signs from scrap wood that I find around the farm, using barbed wire as hangers. I would like to do some art with the barbed wire, but need to make or obtain a jig. It is too heavy gauge for me to shape just by hand. We have been married for almost 4 years, been together for 7. We have 6 kids and our first grandbaby is due the day before my birthday. DD's fiance is a douche (for lack of a better non-offensive word). We keep hoping that he will lose interest and walk out, but she is determined to make it work. I have horses. Once we get a bigger trailer, you could come on a trail ride with us. I am not a great rider, so we usually go to Pack Forest, as the trails are easy. I am still learning to trust my horse. I have a hard time with that part of it. My new mare and I are learning together. I think that is helping a little.
Just had to show off! DH and DS went to a kids' fishing derby yesterday, and DS caught a 16.5 incher, and won 2nd prize! Here he is with his catch and his prize tackle box.

That is an awesome picture. He is SO proud!!
I am. We all start somewhere. :) and we all at the end of the day enjoy our birds.
At the end of the day, as long as each of us is happy with our flock, it doesn't matter where we got them from. As long as we are each happy and are keeping our flocks happy and healthy, that is what matters.
Quote: I have a little white frizzle cochin. His poor little legs are constantly dirty. I don't think I thought that through very well, living on the west side of the mountain and all.
gah, how could one?! pix for the rest of us jones-ers as soon as they start popping, pleeease:ya

mines still 11 days away:barnie

my old school bator is closer, but gets kinda annoyed at me staring at her all night.:smack :lau

Here is the Silver Duckwing Phoenix that hatched last night, there are more pips and its only day 19!!


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