Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps


Looks like it will be July 26th.........is that OK with everyone ?

Open House is now July 26th ! ! !
Those with campers & smallish trailers can overnight either here or across the street.
(there is water & power over there)

We are doing all the meats, all else can be pot luck...bring your own chairs if possible.
It'll start about noon I guess ?
Those that show up early will be put to work !


Hopefully this date is OK.................

Dogs have to be on leash, we have a mean watch dog.
Smokers must be very careful of fires out here.
Hi there! I'm sure some of you remember me. I've been lurking in this thread every now and then since I last posted and it's been great keeping up with all of you. Happy clucking!

I have great news! UrbanEnthusiast is about to become RuralEnthusiast at last! My man and I found a place to rent on Camano Island where we can have all the laying hens and meat rabbits we want! We're even going to get a dog FINALLY!!! We're going to be renting a cute little 40' trailer from a friend of a friend who owns 10 acres out there that's mostly wooded and absolutely gorgeous. Trailer isn't big enough for our king-sized bed so we're going to build some sort of outbuilding for a bedroom. Tipi? Yurt? I don't care! The place is six miles from a public pool which I can easily get to on the FREE bus, and I love to swim laps every day, so I just couldn't be more thrilled! Especially since our rent is only 650/mo which includes everything, even high-speed internet! We already picked a secluded little spot for our trailer that's surrounded by trees, so all we have to do is run plumbing and septic to it. That's a cinch, right? HAHAHA. We've got our work cut out for us as the trailer also needs a new floor, a ton of cleaning, a stove, and a couple of repairs (it's all metal with real wood paneling so it's going to be super cute!). All the work is worth it to us to have everything we want at a price where we can start saving up to buy some land somewhere. We've both been developing our web-based home businesses and it's just all coming together. I'm 31 and I feel like a real grown-up now, y'all!

Originally our plan was Whidbey Island but prices have soured out there the past year or two. I heard they're about to increase military personnel out there from 8K to 12K. Sheesh!

So... I'm still thinking I want about 20 Hamburg hens. I like that they're light eaters who like to forage who are known for laying well for a couple years longer than most breeds, and laying in winter too. I also like that they're flighty since they're going to be free-ranging out there in the woods with dogs and cats everywhere, as well as the typical wild predators. Heck, I might even go with some American Game hens or Egyptian Fayoumis instead or as well. What do y'all think the odds are that I can train a young herding dog to find eggs in the woods for us?!?

Sadly the landlord doesn't want a rooster as he feels his donkeys make enough noise already, and I can respect that. He says he's not entirely opposed to the idea if the noise is tolerable, but I'm not betting on it. I'm a bit disappointed about it but it's cool. Totally minor in the grand scheme of things!

Going to start on the coop and rabbit hutch as soon as our trailer and "bedroom" are ready! Official move-out date from our current apartment in Seattle is July 31. After we're all settled with our livestock, it's time to start building our 22' sailing catamaran!!!

I wanna get into veggie gardening out there as well...

Wanna know how I feel right now?!?

Awesome! It sounds like everything is starting to fall into place for you!
I think on Sunday morning we can crack a few eggs, and have bacon & scrambled eggs, toast, fruit, coffee/juice for those braves souls who stay the night.
I'm gonna put Chicken Rustler in charge of that.
He is a pretty good cook as long as I do not give him any nasty white eggs.

Sort of a brunch, maybe about 10 AM ? and last until lunch time...so those who cannot come Saturday may show up Sunday morning...that is, unless you have a worse hang over than we do !

(Speaking to Ms Slingling !)

When we all get together, we have so much fun & so much food & so much to talk about !
Be nice to see everyone and only have 6 roostsers crowing, instead of a Poultry Show.
We might be able to actually hear each other !
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FINISHED the duck pen this weekend! I still need a few fascia boards stained and installed and will do some grading inside and around the outside, but it is secure and complete. Unsure whether to bother with a substrate or just leave the rocky sand down and rake it out until we see how it does with wet weather. The ducklings are LOVING the pond. They pretty much spend all their time in it. Pond, eat, pond, eat, pond, eat... over and over and over again. It's ridiculous.

I am a little curious about this one's wings. They're both naked. It doesn't seem to be bothering her, and the other ones are leaving them alone, but is this normal? They came from the lady I bought them from this way.


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