Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Hello, how are things doing around this site? I haven’t been here in a little bit. My chicken went broody again, sixth time in two years. So I decided that I would give her some eggs to hatch. A couple years ago I got some chicks from the feed store and one ended up being a rooster. So I gave him to a friend of mine. So he is going to be the father of these checks. He is a big huge gorgeous barred rock. The mothers will be a variety, Rhode Island Reds, bard rocks, and who knows what else. So it should be interesting to see what I get. I’ve never done this before so I am researching like crazy.
It’s hot over here 100 on Tuesday 101 yesterday and it’s already 95 here now. It’s supposed to start cooling back down tomorrow. I found a dead Marans hen this morning it was one from the attack not sure if she had underlying problems or if she dropped dead from the heat.
So told you think I have 4 in the marans so took some good photos need to get the boys out all but the EE and maybe his buddy in the marans


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Sorry about the lost hen tried to post the photos yesterday but seems did not happen I have one bird that throws me off it has puff cheeks hate that is probably a cockerel

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