Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Contemplating whether IMG_5804.jpg

or not I nee more snow support for the top of the run


Dec. 3 2022 I had to use a hoe and pull snow off from the inside, reaching in between the hardwire cloth,, that is where all the piles came from- me pulling off snow-

We did add more bracing so it better supported the side poles/posts--
you can see it in this pic
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Im only netted on the one run and made sure it was 2 inch netting so more snow gets through so I have to shake it a little less. I don't know what to do with hardware cloth roof.

Silkies are fully covered with the hooped roof so I just have to rake that if it gets to around a foot. It will hold 2 and not fall but easier to remove when less.

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