Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Mine are not that old I lost my old ladies this last year.
I have friend that raises marans and EE I do not get many blue right now 3 green one of those are really green olive.
She is bringing me 4 of each this spring.
Hey like the water bottle idea!
We moved the big table out brought the Sons desk in he had a desktop out here a all in one it died he did not want to buy another.
I had paid for the other one.
Desk ended up in the screen room, snows room.
I was going to try and cut down one of the tables he made.
Ice on the truck this morning. My chickens' egg production didn't slow down at all through their first winter. They were averaging 5 or 6 eggs each per week.
That's rather typical. They will start laying again as it warms up, but will probably take next winter off too. Then you will get fewer eggs in 2026. That's the way of these chickens we get at the feed stores. Maybe it's better if we can get our hens from a local farmer, but I haven't found one around here.

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