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Well, I could easily get my hands on enough LPs for the record-roof idea (I have plenty of record-store connections in this town and used record dealers are always coming across boxes of records to scratched to sell), but my BF said it's too much work to build the frame for it.

Anyone else got any absolutely free roofing ideas?
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I've thought about cutting the top and bottom off aluminum cans and cutting down one side then using them like those clay roof tiles. It would take us years to get enough to do even a little chicken coop roof.
Well, here is my first chick, Gimp:

Gimp doesn't like to walk on one leg, and I can't tell exactly what's wrong with it. It's usable, but obviously has some problem with functionality and is held out to the side when standing. But he/she drinks water, eats chick starter, and shoves the week old chicks aside to go wherever it wants. I hope little Gimp grows up into a healthy hen. If so, she's got a spot in my flock as long as she lives.

I'm not going to post any more about the hatch. It's still going, but I'm just tired of stirring up trouble.

Well, here is my first chick, Gimp:

Gimp doesn't like to walk on one leg, and I can't tell exactly what's wrong with it. It's usable, but obviously has some problem with functionality and is held out to the side when standing. But he/she drinks water, eats chick starter, and shoves the week old chicks aside to go wherever it wants. I hope little Gimp grows up into a healthy hen. If so, she's got a spot in my flock as long as she lives.

I'm not going to post any more about the hatch. It's still going, but I'm just tired of stirring up trouble.

she's a little cutie for sure. I betcha she will have a special place in your heart as she is your first hatchling.
You did not stir up any trouble.
Well, here is my first chick, Gimp:

Gimp doesn't like to walk on one leg, and I can't tell exactly what's wrong with it. It's usable, but obviously has some problem with functionality and is held out to the side when standing. But he/she drinks water, eats chick starter, and shoves the week old chicks aside to go wherever it wants. I hope little Gimp grows up into a healthy hen. If so, she's got a spot in my flock as long as she lives.

I'm not going to post any more about the hatch. It's still going, but I'm just tired of stirring up trouble.


Please, keep us posted! I'm dying to know what's happening with this hatch. I have no experience at all so won't be offering advice.
Well, here is my first chick, Gimp:

Gimp doesn't like to walk on one leg, and I can't tell exactly what's wrong with it. It's usable, but obviously has some problem with functionality and is held out to the side when standing. But he/she drinks water, eats chick starter, and shoves the week old chicks aside to go wherever it wants. I hope little Gimp grows up into a healthy hen. If so, she's got a spot in my flock as long as she lives.

I'm not going to post any more about the hatch. It's still going, but I'm just tired of stirring up trouble.

Welcome, little Gimp! I'd keep him/her forever too!
I don't know a thing about hatching.
I'm learning through your experience.
I, for one, would love continued updates and photos. (I never get tired of photos!)
I know for sure for sure if I ever do this myself, I will be yelling for the BYC chicken midwives to help me!
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