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Loving all the great photos of the fish and chicks and so on.
Oh yesss my dear I have been there, a wonderful person on here let me call her personally, she didn't even know me, and I had only been on here a short time, and she talked me through it! LOL! I know!!
So you weren't even there??? Oh boy......

Glad your husband was good about it!! Oh and on top of the personal call, all the oldster posters, gave me encouragement and tips!! ( You know who you are)!!
Which is a huge reason why I have stayed on here a long time!! We have some pretty cool peeps here!! glad it turned out well, nice looking chicks!
Speaking of did you ever get a bator made withthat fridge I gave ya ???

Quote: What the heck?? Dang it!!! Well glad you got to hang with your peeps, but, yea, wish it would have turned out more lucrative!
Yeah it will get better as people get used to the new location. And when the date is settled.
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Quote: Flower World is a very short distance from me. Since mom really likes plants, I tend to go when I need a gift for her. I agree, it is a nice place.
Would you believe I've never been? I should go. I think I would like your mother.
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To all the new people!

Oh, man, the fish setups make me drool. We don't have room for any tanks right now. I love waterplants. The fish are only decorations for the plants when I had tanks.

I hope everyones bad boy roosters get their heads straight. We know what happens to ones who don't.

Such cute pictures. All the babies, human, chicken, and otherwise.

We've thought about getting a cat, but think a ratter dog will be easier to deal with. I contacted the breed association for help finding a breeder of working schipperkes but haven't heard back. I don't know if they didn't take me seriously or what. I know finding one that raises them to work as ratters is probably not going to happen. Both of the ones we had still had good instincts. I'm not really into terrier dogs.

Doesn't mean we still might not end up with a cat or two. We like cats.
The Spitz/Brabanter/Spitz babies are three weeks old today. It's time for them to discover there is a world outside the laundry room, and it's BIG!
Well, I sure haven't figured out, how to do the quote thing yet, in all the time it's been here, I tried it once and I got lost some where!! LOL!
and yes I went to my profile and made sure the thingy wasn't or was checked which ever it was, ( I read it many posts back when some one asked)

Anyway, I know I'm like almost three weeks late but, I finally got my garlic in the ground for the first time in my life! Now lets see if something grows! LOL!
also, and yes I need my head examined, some one posted what size eggs and how many a year that certain breeds lay?
was SLW on that list?? Are they a med or large brown egg layer?? I know what your all gonna say!!

I was doing a friend a favor, he had to sell his chickens and this gals were already laying so I said what the heck, they are in quarantine right now, they are very healthy the little red , ( supposed to be Bantam RIR hen) got picked on so her head is growing back feathers. they will go out with the other layers in another week.
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