Wasting food


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 18, 2013
I am getting my 5 girls out of a one quart feeder. Daily I am throwing out almost half of the food. Does anyone just leave it in? I hate that I am wasting so much food.
I am getting my 5 girls out of a one quart feeder. Daily I am throwing out almost half of the food. Does anyone just leave it in? I hate that I am wasting so much food.

Sorry im confused

are you saying you give your 5 grls 1quart feed??????

and why you throwing food away pellets are fine to be left in feeder and let them eat it the next day

(if my answer is not what u asked then I didn't understand your question)
I am getting my 5 girls out of a one quart feeder. Daily I am throwing out almost half of the food. Does anyone just leave it in? I hate that I am wasting so much food.
I don't understand your question? You can just reuse feed if the spill it on the floor.
I am not sure why you would throw food out? I leave food 24/7 and just add more as it gets low. If they spill too much I take out the feeder and make them eat what they spilled.
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Ok. So to clarify. I have 5 3 week chicks. I am feeding them out of a one quart feeder. Right now i do not have the feeder elevated in their brooder. I hadn't thought of that and will do it.
If there's food left over, perhaps you are feeding too much? Aren't chickens only supposed to get 4-5 oz of feed a day? At least that's what I thought I read here on the forum somewhere. Are they laying well? I have cut back feed for my free range guys and gals so they get more out of the land, so to speak. No more feed left in the feeders! And they even eat the powdery supplements we put in our homemade feed! I would leave it--don't throw it away, provided it isn't moldy and isn't surrounded by a bunch of poop. They will eat it eventually.
I keep my feeders full, except for the meat chickens of course. I use hanging feeder suspended at back height so there is minimal waste. I buy the good galvanized hanging feeders with the tall lip so the hens cant scoop out the feed they don't want to eat. I refuse to use those screw-top feeders that you have to flip, they just waste feed and I don't want to see wasted money laying all over the floor.

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