Watery Eyes in My Juvenile Chickens


In the Brooder
Sep 21, 2024
Sorry if I wrote a lot but I'm trying my best to describe it.

These two have had eye wateriness since about a week after hatching. They hatched out sometime in April or May. The stall their hen hatched them in was very dusty and the first signs of problems were eye wateriness and facial feathers getting stuck in their eyes about a week after hatching. We started to rinse and wipe their eyes two times daily. After which it slowly progressed to crusting shut with mucus every morning but we didn't want to give up on them. After a few weeks it cleared up and we thought they had gotten better, after which they were finally big enough to safely move into a coop with some other birds. They had been doing fine and their eyes were not watery. However, recently the coop got a little dusty from their bedding and their eyes started to get watery again. The black pullet's eyes in the photos are a little foamy, she had it worse than the blue cockerel. He had it in one eye, his eye is just a little watery now but no signs of any foam. I was wondering what caused it and if I should keep cleaning their eyes or if I should have just put them down as chicks. They have been living with other chickens for a while now and nothing has spread so I'm not sure if it's irritation or not. We've never had a chicken with anything like their eyes before so it'd be good to know in case it happened again with different birds.
Screenshot 2024-09-25 154114.png
Forgot to mention at the point of their eyes getting mucus their eyes were also swelling a lot and the black pullet went blind for a while until it cleared up.
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I'm sorry you've been dealing with this for so long.

You may want to treat with Tylosin to see if that makes a difference.
Continue to clean/rinse the eyes daily with saline, removing and pressing out pus and debris. Put an ointment in the eye like Terramycin eye ointment 2-3 times a day.

Tylosin is best found at Jedds online. Dosage is 1 tsp per gallon of water for 5 days. The eye foam looks like MG. Tylosin can help treat that. Terramycin ointment into the eye twice daily is good in conjunction.
Tylosin is best found at Jedds online. Dosage is 1 tsp per gallon of water for 5 days. The eye foam looks like MG. Tylosin can help treat that. Terramycin ointment into the eye twice daily is good in conjunction.
Thank you, we're going to see what we can find but we'll continue rinsing their eyes out and then see how the stuff does with the eye cleaning when we get it.
You can get Terramycin ointment from many feed stores by asking a clerk since they now lock it up. But I have used plain Neosporin or triple antibiotic as a substitute for my chickens. Saline or an eye wash works well to rinse the eye before applying the ointment if they are crusty/gunky.
You can get Terramycin ointment from many feed stores by asking a clerk since they now lock it up. But I have used plain Neosporin or triple antibiotic as a substitute for my chickens. Saline or an eye wash works well to rinse the eye before applying the ointment if they are crusty/gunky.
Okay thank you!
You can get Terramycin ointment from many feed stores by asking a clerk since they now lock it up. But I have used plain Neosporin or triple antibiotic as a substitute for my chickens. Saline or an eye wash works well to rinse the eye before applying the ointment if they are crusty/gunky.
Do you know if TSC carries Terramycin?

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