We lost one of our girls tonight..


Jun 5, 2023
We lost one of our girls tonight šŸ˜žšŸ˜­ nothing out of the ordinary was noticed the past couple days. my husband went out to close up their coop and found her under the deck passed away.. There was no blood or anything so we donā€™t believe she was attacked by anything or anyone.. I saw her laying down in the same spot earlier this afternoon and i assumed she was dust bathing in the soil or laying an egg. We just put our 10 week old girls out in a sectioned off pet of the pen and i thought maybe she didnā€™t want to be near them. Has anyone had one of their hens pass without noticing any signs ahead of time??
she was still very young, not even a full year old yet šŸ˜ž about eleven months.. and the most beautiful silver laced wyandotte
Would you be able to refrigerate the body and run it to a vet in the morning? It sounds like she may have eaten something but in these cases you can never be sure without a vet.

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