Weak duck not walking


Mar 24, 2020
I have a 8 week old jumbo pekin and he got really sick we don’t know what it was but we took him to the vet and they put him on antibiotics for 10 days and he was really week, now that he is better he doesn’t walk and struggles to move around and has lost weight, I assume his legs are just weak from not using them for a little bit, I can’t put him in his pool he gets cold way to quickly and takes forever to dry and I don’t want to risk him getting sick again. Is there a way I can help build up his leg strength, we don’t have a bath tub so I can’t use warm water, he just try’s to scoot around and is rubbing his wings raw by using them to move around too
I took him to the vet and they had me feed him a less percentage of feed and the lowest I could find was 16% layer feed
Is he getting picked on by other members of the flock? Is it too hot there? What does his crop feel like? Check the bottoms of his legs for any bumblefoot scabs. He also may have a vitamin B2 definiciency, which causes weak and wobbly legs. Providing vitamins and electrolytes in his water as well as apple cider vinegar and plenty of fresh herbs will do wonders. Keep us updated. Wishing you the best!
Is he getting picked on by other members of the flock? Is it too hot there? What does his crop feel like? Check the bottoms of his legs for any bumblefoot scabs. He also may have a vitamin B2 definiciency, which causes weak and wobbly legs. Providing vitamins and electrolytes in his water as well as apple cider vinegar and plenty of fresh herbs will do wonders. Keep us updated. Wishing you the best!
He doesn’t get picked on we have only one other duck and they are best friends, I give both liquid vitamin b complex, his feet are perfect, I’ll try adding some apple cider vinegar, I’ll also help him to walk to see if that helps him build up some strength, thank you for you’re help

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