

Jun 26, 2023
First time a predator has gotten to my flock. Luckily my silkies were taken in (they normally come in before dusk as they do not go in the hen house on their own) but my guineas were roosting in the rafters. In the rain a little after 8(8:15/8:30) at night something went into the hen house dragged my Guinea hen out into the hen pen area and then out into the fenced in yard. Where she was screaming and flapping around. We ran out and grabbed her but whatever it was gone by then. I was think weasel since no one saw the perpetrator. My little guinea Doe has a single puncture to the neck. She was breathing. She made a little noise when I thought she died (her legs are stiff) … so I’m now I’m not sure. I have her in a bad with a heating pad.

My set up is a hen house then a fenced in yard (fenced with chicken wire) then the area around this is chain link (15 x15ft and 6ft high). Were we picked her up the chain link fence was separated at the bottom by 6 inches

Does this sound like a weasel attack? Or raccoon? In the future will an electric fence prevent this? In in western pa

Please send prayers
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Best wishes and prayer for your little Doe; I hope she completely recovers.

My only successful predator was a mink that was easily able to get through the run fencing and into a coop. I have since installed hardware cloth EVERYWHERE.

If it's a mink or weasel, it's almost a given that it will return, and they are able to get through ridiculously small openings.
Thank you, sadly Doe did not make it. The intruder left one single print. I can’t seem to identify it though as it looks like it has only 4 apendages.


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I took everyone in before dusk ( my dog who I let in the chicken yard with them in the afternoon and early 4pm she did an alarm bark and growl towards the wooded area so I do think whatever did it is watching). I set two live trap and releases and baited the with raw pork. Hoping we catch whatever it is.

Thank you everyone for your insight and condolences.

I am leaning towards a type of weasel as their attack method is a bite to the neck.

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