Which one is better!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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My meds make me very sensitive to heat, and the risk of heat exhaustion/stroke is higher, so that influences my vote here too.

When I lived in Arizona a few years back we had weeks of 100⁰F+ in summer. Stepping out the door was like stepping into an oven. I wasn't on my meds then so I could handle it a little better. But OH MY LORD! TOO HOT! Even the breeze was hot, no relief! Winter temps were perfect (daytime highs in the 70s), summer was hell.
Sounds awful. I’m sensitive to heat too.
I LOVE WINTER!!! I love every season... But winter is special. Plus, if you're cold, you can just put on more layers. It's not exactly smiled on to strip all your clothes off in the heat of summer 🤣

And then, even if you are naked, and you're still overheating, what then?! You can't take your skin off!
We are supposed to get an arctic blast. Tuesday and Wednesday are supposed to be the coldest days and then it warms up a lot but tomorrow is supposed to be quite cold too. High of 25° with a low of 11°. Tuesday is supposed to be 20° and 8° and Wednesday is supposed to be 19° and 7°. But the wind chill could be in the negatives. Actually it’s predicted to be like -10 I think. What do all you winter lovers think now!?!?!?!?! Do you still love it!?!?!?!?!

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It’s currently 18° or so here, and I love it 🥰
if you're cold, you can just put on more layers. It's not exactly smiled on to strip all your clothes off in the heat of summer 🤣

Ya you can put layers on but only so many and when temps get low enough it ain't enough. Also hard to get anything done when you're too bundled up.

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