Weird color Silkie egg

Will You Rescue Me

In the Brooder
Aug 3, 2024
So one of my rescues laid their first egg. Should a silkie egg be slightly pink? It doesn’t pick up on camera so no help their too faint, but when sat next to one of my white eggs from the grocery store it looks vaguely like a dyed Easter egg.
So one of my rescues laid their first egg. Should a silkie egg be slightly pink? It doesn’t pick up on camera so no help their too faint, but when sat next to one of my white eggs from the grocery store it looks vaguely like a dyed Easter egg.
It could be the bloom causing it to look that way. When they first start laying for the season their bloom is heaviest. However, silkies can lay cream colored eggs.
Silkie eggs range from white to cream to tan. Various colors of tan can look pinkish...
So normal.

White eggs you get from the store are from white egg layers, they are also washed, prepped, etc.
That makes sense. I always like to be extra sure when it comes to animals I’m taking care of. I’ve often found things like eggs and droppings can tell a lot about their overall health such as deficiencies, potential illness and dietary needs, so I like to be positive that what I’m seeing is normal.

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