Weird eyes, I just noticed today. Is it disease?


Jul 25, 2020
Only 1 drake has eyes like this in a big flock. Both sides. Should I be looking to get some medication for this? If yes, can it be gotten online?
Do you have any closer up pics that are clearer. I’m not exactly sure what is going on in this picture. Is it a feather in front of the eye? Are you talking about the red around its eyes? Does it seem to be bothering him?
This is the only other close one I get, the fella kept moving. He is not used of being photographed. Anyhow, it looks like a white crescent moon shape or letter C in the front of the eye on both sides
Hmmm… Some Muscovys have different colors on their caruncles. I was looking it up and it could have something to do with their oil glands. Other than that I’m not too sure…
wash his eyes with water and make sure he has access to clean water. maybe some dirt got stuck, happens to ducks. he should be ok.
The boy has foamy eye. It's not dangerous or harmful. It doesn't spread to others in the flock They get it if they get dust in their eyes or perhaps a virus [not bacteria]. @mrdelurk You can dunk his head in a tub of clean water and wash off the foam. Then ensure he always has a deep tub of water to clean himself in

I have a muscovy that is prone to foamy eye. I have laboriously bathed his eyes 4 times a day with saline when he first had it. But foamy eye gets better no faster that way than washing him once in a tub of clean water and then letting him keep himself clean
Answering after a few days of observation. It's odd, the white foam comes and goes. The guy's eye is clean for 2 days, then boom, the white foam is back for a day. Next day, clean again.
I started dosing their water with Rooster Booster, a bit of vitamin can't hurt. Having clean water is standard procedure here, I change it several times a day. The stale waters go onto the plants.

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