Weird Scab on Guinea Fowl's Bottom

The Chick Addict

Not Made with Real Unicorn
Premium Feather Member
Jun 23, 2022
Far North Texas
Hello Y'all!
As I was putting the chickens to bed last night, I inspected the Guinea Fowl's vent area, which I do occasionally. As I was checking our only female, Lovely, I noticed this very weird looking, hard, dry, brownish scab below her vent on the far left. It seems to be impressing into her skin, almost as if I took it off, it would lead into her internally. When I gently touched and tried to take some of it off, she didn't act as if she were in pain but I am not sure if she was or not because my Guineas seem to handle pain well. The scab is medium/large sized. She does act a bit lethargic sometimes, like laying down and she does walk sort-of hunched but that is normal for her. She seems otherwise healthy, though her vent looks purplish-pink but so do the other Guineas vents. I also noticed an egg that looked somewhat like her egg, but I couldn't really tell because it was cracked. It had a weird red sack sticking out of it with an odd tail at the end. I opened the rest of the egg and found a beautiful orange yolk inside the actual egg, a lot like Lovely's yolks. I opened the sack and it seemed to be a lash egg with some bloody yolk inside. I am not sure if it was her egg or another chicken's because I do have suspicion of another hen, (I found two blood drops on the poop boards underneath her) but it seems most likely to be Lovely. She is 1 1/2 years old. Does she have some kind of disease? Or did she injured and it just dried? How should I treat her? Here are some pictures of the scab:
Weird Scab 2.jpg
Weird Scab 3.jpg

Weird Scab 1.jpg

Thank you!
Probably best to leave it alone. Now might be a good time to get a baseline weight on the Guinea, then reweigh in a few days to see if she's losing weight. If she's losing weight, then it's time to do something else.

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