Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Good evening, Pond! Just checking in before I make supper. Spent the morning in town running errands, and the afternoon outside counting honey bees. We've got part of our farm in a "pollinator program". We planted sunflowers, buckwheat, mustard and sweet peas to help encourage bees, butterflies and other pollinators to come. Part of that program is, we have to go out in the field and spend about 10 minutes in several places, walking out a bit and watching some more and counting and recording how many honey bees we saw.

Sadly there is no Other calendar this year :(

Bummer! :(

Sorry for the poor quality, had to take a video of the playback screen with my phone, but they were minding their own damn business when whoooooosh!

OMG! :mad: Horrid! :mad: Kill it!!! But, ya know, accidentally, of course. I wont tell.

Princess happened by as I was reading this. She kissed me and said, "You're a gentleman, mostly, even if you're not Southern." From you, K, this is special = thanks. We had a great time. I have trouble 'living in the moment', but on a beach with a book in hand I can stay still. Read a paper back novel daily, ate lots of seafood and slept a bunch. It was good. You were only off by a year. I'm 77.

Wow! The dream vacation. :love I've never had one anywhere near like that, but keep hoping someday I will.
Bummer! :(

OMG! :mad: Horrid! :mad: Kill it!!! But, ya know, accidentally, of course. I wont tell.

Wow! The dream vacation. :love I've never had one anywhere near like that, but keep hoping someday I will.

If it happens to fly into some lead pellets while I’m doing some target practice, ya know, that would be one such accident.
So, I'm still in the market for a duck companion(s) for Mako, but nothing has been 'right' yet. I even considered the lonely only ballute survivor on another thread that needs a home, but its a pekin & I think it would be too loud for a suburban neighborhood (thats already harboring an illegal rooster.:oops:)

At the same time DD1 has been frantically pouring over rabbit rescue sights looking for someone to fill the empty spaces Bun left behind. My kids are great. They agree to adopt rather than buy. They agree to get something older than the adorable babies everybody wants. They even agree to look for 'bonded pairs' because they have a harder time being adopted. Problem is, they still want something cute. :rolleyes: I see where they're coming from. These kids sacrifice a lot & I should give in to a cute thing for them, problem is, I found the ugliest pair of anti-social, bonded lionhead mixes that will never be adopted. The kids call them 'Toupee & Mustache' & they don't say it like its a nice thing. I think they look a lot like Ma & Pa Clampett but in the most endearing way. I feel SO guilty adopting a pretty thing when I know this grumpy, unfortunate looking pair will never even be considered by anyone, ever. :hmm
That you Ma? I cant hear ya cuz I got fur comin' out m' ears.
:lau I think he’s just messing with you dear. :gig
I figured he was:lau.. did i sound snarky in my comment? Didnt mean to..:oops:

:plbb :lau:gig
So, I'm still in the market for a duck companion(s) for Mako, but nothing has been 'right' yet. I even considered the lonely only ballute survivor on another thread that needs a home, but its a pekin & I think it would be too loud for a suburban neighborhood (thats already harboring an illegal rooster.:oops:)

At the same time DD1 has been frantically pouring over rabbit rescue sights looking for someone to fill the empty spaces Bun left behind. My kids are great. They agree to adopt rather than buy. They agree to get something older than the adorable babies everybody wants. They even agree to look for 'bonded pairs' because they have a harder time being adopted. Problem is, they still want something cute. :rolleyes: I see where they're coming from. These kids sacrifice a lot & I should give in to a cute thing for them, problem is, I found the ugliest pair of anti-social, bonded lionhead mixes that will never be adopted. The kids call them 'Toupee & Mustache' & they don't say it like its a nice thing. I think they look a lot like Ma & Pa Clampett but in the most endearing way. I feel SO guilty adopting a pretty thing when I know this grumpy, unfortunate looking pair will never even be considered by anyone, ever. :hmm
Before we discovered Brandon was allergic, he was to young to mess with it much, we adopted a 3 legged one eared bunny.. so i get ya! ;)
That you Ma? I cant hear ya cuz I got fur comin' out m' ears.
Omg they are freakin adorable! :love
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Before we discovered Brandon was allergic, he was to young to mess it with it much, we adopted a 3 legged one eared bunny.. so i get ya! ;)

Omg they are freakin adorable! :love

3 legged, one eared bunny??? That would be me for sure! :highfive:

I think The Clampett Bunnies are crazy cute too, but after looking at literally hundreds of other more beautiful bunnies on dozens of sites, these guys look like chopped liver. DD1 is now calling them 'Grumpy & Stash' …. I think that means shes warming to them. :lau
So, I'm still in the market for a duck companion(s) for Mako, but nothing has been 'right' yet. I even considered the lonely only ballute survivor on another thread that needs a home, but its a pekin & I think it would be too loud for a suburban neighborhood (thats already harboring an illegal rooster.:oops:)

At the same time DD1 has been frantically pouring over rabbit rescue sights looking for someone to fill the empty spaces Bun left behind. My kids are great. They agree to adopt rather than buy. They agree to get something older than the adorable babies everybody wants. They even agree to look for 'bonded pairs' because they have a harder time being adopted. Problem is, they still want something cute. :rolleyes: I see where they're coming from. These kids sacrifice a lot & I should give in to a cute thing for them, problem is, I found the ugliest pair of anti-social, bonded lionhead mixes that will never be adopted. The kids call them 'Toupee & Mustache' & they don't say it like its a nice thing. I think they look a lot like Ma & Pa Clampett but in the most endearing way. I feel SO guilty adopting a pretty thing when I know this grumpy, unfortunate looking pair will never even be considered by anyone, ever. :hmm

You’re a great mom!

That you Ma? I cant hear ya cuz I got fur comin' out m' ears.

Looks like somebody worked hard to get the best pic possible. :oops:

I love them :love

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