Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

1927? You're generous, I was thinking more of 927 B.C.

1927? Blimey, you do well looking after your animals, at that age!

You've caught me. I'm old as the hills


Got 5/5!!! :celebrate

Awesome! Love that 2nd pic!!

So I have a story.... It got dark, so we came out of the woods from hunting, got back to the camp, and planned to grab the comets and put them inside the coop. We have 4-5 that have been sleeping outside. So I get 2 under my arms, he grabs 1, we ride down to the coop.... Pop open the nest box lid to insert the hens thru.... and what is looking up at me??? A friggin possum!! Laying right there in the friggin nest box!! I dropped the lid quick! Thank god hubby was with me. I took the hens back outside, and he shot the possum right there in the nest box.

The rooster, 2 young chicks, and other hens were up on the roost, safe. But if we hadn't shown up when we did, they all would have been dead by morning. Apparently the possum came in before the auto door closed and was just waiting for the chicks to settle in. The auto door is now off and I'll keep them locked in for a while so they can get un-scared. Hopefully.


So glad you were there!!! Good save!

Phil, hope that your tool is drying out.  Care to update ?
:/ :duc

How does bear taste? :confused:
greasy n gamey, depends on what it's eating (garbage vs berries vs chickens)

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