Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Damp and dreary on my lily pad. Good morning Pond.

What does it show?
It shows that autocorrect is STUPID.

And.... nice clean roads driving up to Anchorage.... then a dump of snow last night.

Now I am driving in Anchorage, NEVER a joy... but the added issue of "lines, what lines....where is the lane? How many lanes are there supposed to be??"


Anyway... here for a shot in the eye....

But now that I am WAITING for an Uber (dropped my car off to get looked at), I realize that I never got a confirmation email or text.... about my eye appointment.

I have already called 3 times... they are too busy to answer the phone...

This will suck.... if I don't actually have an appointment.
Wow they won't answer your call.
That would worry me also.
I overslept like major 10:30 think the problem was a poodle in crate form the first time.
He has been the rotten no, no bad dog every day glasses and shoes.

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