Welp…it’s been a week


Mar 3, 2025
The baby chickens are coming along nicely…

We went thru a few pasty butts at the beginning of the weekend and have been weighing and wiping their (now clean) chicken butts with baby oil on a cotton ball.

No more pasty butt, nice clean bedding and a some help for the littlest ones. I started smashing a boiled egg on plates for them.

They’ve gained 91 grams collectively. The seven of them together are 539 grams as of yesterday.

They LOVE those eggs! I also tried some finely minced spinach and I’m trying to decide if I should continue that. But soon, I’ll have to give them two boiled eggs because it just disappears!

Hope you’re all having a good week and don’t slow down! They might be gaining on you. 🤣


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Do you have Starter feed crumbles?? to feed them besides the eggs??
If you have,,,, GREAT
If not,,,,, can I suggest you get a small bag of Medicated Feed Crumbles. This gets them thru the coccidiosis Period Potential.
I understand you gave them some finely chopped Spinach. I personally would hold off on such,, until they are slightly bigger,, and can have Chick Grit. JMO.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and :welcome

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