Welsh Harlequin

Now I'm a bit more (or less confused) though.

I went through her blog and it seems she actually has 2 drake and a duck. And if you look at the picture, you can see some curled tail feather on the one with the dark head.

Anyway, vacations are coming so we will wait until we come back. 2 weeks should be enough to help us figure out its sex :)
Looks more like two drakes and a duck. I see two curly tail feathers one on either side of the hen.
Poor baby is gonna get beat up when those boys go into season.

My daughter found one of our three five week old ducklings dead on the creek bed tonight. Petunia. A hawk had just flown away. Her head was pecked clean. The hawks never bother our chickens and I hadn't thought we would have trouble with the bigger ducklings. Do you let your ducks free range? Will they ever be big enough? They are so happy swimming in the creek. We still have one male and one female left.
My daughter found one of our three five week old ducklings dead on the creek bed tonight. Petunia. A hawk had just flown away. Her head was pecked clean. The hawks never bother our chickens and I hadn't thought we would have trouble with the bigger ducklings. Do you let your ducks free range? Will they ever be big enough? They are so happy swimming in the creek. We still have one male and one female left.
The hawk will be back, I let mine free range on a half acre fenced in, but hawks are always a worry it's something we have to decide for our selves if we are willing to take the chance with our flocks, Thankfully now that the trees are leafed out there is alot of cover, not so back in the fall when a red tail got one of my bantam hens. I use predator tape and have it hanging off tree branches in long streamers, it's shiny crackles when the wind hits it and is about the only thing I could think of that might help keep them safer. I bought the tape after the hawk attack. Very sorry for your loss.
The hawk will be back, I let mine free range on a half acre fenced in, but hawks are always a worry it's something we have to decide for our selves if we are willing to take the chance with our flocks, Thankfully now that the trees are leafed out there is alot of cover, not so back in the fall when a red tail got one of my bantam hens. I use predator tape and have it hanging off tree branches in long streamers, it's shiny crackles when the wind hits it and is about the only thing I could think of that might help keep them safer.  I bought the tape after the hawk attack. Very sorry for your loss. 

Thank you. Where do you find predator tape?
I have a silver hen and a gold hen. I had two drakes, one gold and one silver. I found a new home for the boys when they started chasing the ducklings.

I love my ducks. They are beautiful pets and awesome layers.
My daughter found one of our three five week old ducklings dead on the creek bed tonight. Petunia. A hawk had just flown away. Her head was pecked clean. The hawks never bother our chickens and I hadn't thought we would have trouble with the bigger ducklings. Do you let your ducks free range? Will they ever be big enough? They are so happy swimming in the creek. We still have one male and one female left.

Sorry for the loss.

I don't think the ducks will ever be big enough. We had a hawk kill our drake last winter (at least we think that's what happened).

I bought the predator tape after Miss Lydia mentioned it. We haven't had issues with Hawks since but I've seen a couple of them pretty close to the pen this weekend so I stay cautious.

I believe I read some people talking about setting up some cover scattered in their yard when they let the ducks free range (use pallets or similar stuff). Ducks usually seem pretty good at spotting hawks, but if they need to be able to get to cover in time

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