Welsh Harlequin

Do they go through a phase where they all look like boys? I got mine as adults, but I wouldn't expect the girls to have hoods like that. I have some babies growing up and I would hate to sell them off if they are actually girls.
Yesterday my order arrived...I got way too many babies and found it difficult at first to figure out who was who.....the WH's look a lot like the female Golden 300..... then my friend pointed out that the WH's are a tad bit smaller then the Golden 300

So....I think this is one of the WH females

Far back, looking straight at us (and quite possibly the one in the forground)


I think this is them also (the 2 in the back)

Since I can not tell the size very well in these pictures I am saying these are the WHs because of the coloring around the eyes.
Do they go through a phase where they all look like boys? I got mine as adults, but I wouldn't expect the girls to have hoods like that. I have some babies growing up and I would hate to sell them off if they are actually girls.

The females often are hooded, and in the teenage phase you can't tell them apart by the hoods at all. Here is a pic of a young male/female pair I had. She grew up to have a darker hood than a lot of my other females, but most of my females tend to very light, almost no hooding.
Do they go through a phase where they all look like boys? I got mine as adults, but I wouldn't expect the girls to have hoods like that. I have some babies growing up and I would hate to sell them off if they are actually girls.

The females often are hooded, and in the teenage phase you can't tell them apart by the hoods at all. Here is a pic of a young male/female pair I had. She grew up to have a darker hood than a lot of my other females, but most of my females tend to very light, almost no hooding.

Ahhhhh! Good to know! I will have to tell everybody that got ducklings from me so they don't think they have all boys, just in case- lol!
Do they go through a phase where they all look like boys? I got mine as adults, but I wouldn't expect the girls to have hoods like that. I have some babies growing up and I would hate to sell them off if they are actually girls.

Yes, they all look a like when little. I ordered 2 females and 1 male and they are now 11 weeks old and ones head is just now getting darker. Until the last few days they all were the same color.
Rosebud, glad you posted that your chickens and ducks run together. That would make it easier for me if mine would do well together.
Here's a silly question, first of all, I'm not all that silly, and do know that ducks do not roost..lol..but, what about them being in the coop with the chickens? They could have the bottom nest..and make a mess for me to clean up every day. I only plan on keeping two of them.

Yeah:lol:, I know ducks don't roost but the pekins sleep in the house with the chickens. We have a garage that my husband only used for the lawn tractor and his toolbox so he petitioned off a little over half of it and cut a door in the back for a chicken house. He then started putting up 2x4 fence until we now have around and acre fenced in. He used to have hunting dogs is the reason for the dog pens. We use them to seperate the ducks at night.
Happy, how are your eggs doing? I set mine on the 17th. I'm seeing 7 very active babies out of 12 eggs. I'm pretty excited..and nervous. My first time doing duck eggs. I'm really nervous about the hatching date!
So, anyone want to guess what color my 2 girls will end up being?

I am totally enjoying watching all my ducklings grow and change!!!!!

The 2 girls together:



Lighter colored gal:



Darker colored gal:


Their tails:
Lighter one:

Darker one:
Things move so fast here on this site.

Anyone have ideas if my two girls will look the same or not when full grown?

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