What’s up with my roo


Jul 17, 2024
Here’s my boy and I got him January 2024 as a 2 week old chick. I’m just want to get some advise from you guys, I woke up Monday and let the flock out and he was sort of limping/crawling on his hocks so I gathered he’d hurt his right leg as it was more evident his right leg was affected as when he did walk he limped on that leg, I isolated him to rest and provided food and water.

Yesterday (Tuesday) I noticed his right wing was a little dropped and thought maybe he’d bashed his right side in when he done his leg in, so thought I’d strap the wing up for him and maybe he will gain a little bit of his balance back. Which I was strapping him I noticed he had some lice eggs on him so investigated further and he had some on his head too, so I went out got some lice treatment for the lot and purchased some diatomaceous earth to add to their dust baths that will be here tomorrow (Thursday)

I treated him separately (today/ Wednesday) and he hadn’t been back with the flock. He’s been dusted over with lice treatment gold label, however he’s progressively got worse since yesterday. I’d searched a lot about how lice can make them limp and put two and two together and figured it must of been that to why he was limping to begin with

Now (Wednesday) he’s just flopped on his right side, same side as limping leg and dropped wing and stuggling to get up and hasn’t managed too today but he’s still eating and drinking just leg in his side.

Can you guys help me out? Did I do the right thing ? I’ve tried to add a video but just learnt you can’t
His poop has been normal and haven’t noticed anything different with it other then a watery one earlier but that’s been it

He still has evidence of lice but unsure on if the loose powder gold label works that quickly ? The poultry place I purchased it from didn’t know themselves

No other symptoms other then he just can’t seem to get to his feet, flopped on the side where the limp and wing drop started, he tries to get up but sort of goes in circles. I’ve checked him over for injuries and can’t see any evidence of injury or sores ect
He’s still eating and drinking but I have him in a sling at the minute so he’s up right and can eat and drink without spilling it everywhere
Is it only one side of his body that’s isnt able to work? That’s what I think you’re saying but just want to clarify!
It’s only one side the symptoms started (limping and dropping) this is also the same side he leans too/ tumbles too and lies on. However he’s moving both legs and wings when trying to move and his toes move in both feet .

He hasn’t lent or laid on the side these symptoms didn’t start on always will be the right had side
Where are you located? Was he vaccinated for Mareks disease? So, he is 6 months old, and is he your only cockerel, or do you have others? How high is his roost? Can you see any green bruising, redness, swelling or cuts in the skin along his entire leg and foot? Would you be able to upload a video of him to YouTube or Vimeo, and make it public? He is at the age where Mareks can show up, but injuries cannbe more common. If he has been injured it could take some weeks to recover. Human vitamin B complex can be given 1/2 tablet daily in case of a riboflavin deficiency. Human vitamin E 400 IU may help with neurological problems.
Do you still have his wing strapped to his side? If so, release it. That will improve his balance. Chickens use their wings for balance like we use our arms.

Give him a cup of water with a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt and baking soda stirred in. This will elevate his glucose and this often improves strength and balance.

Does he have white or yellow legs? If so, you should be able to see some light greenish bruising if he has injured the leg. Look for it. It will let us know if this is an injury or a neurological issue.

Did the lice treatment have permethrin in it? If not, it will not kill lice. You need an insecticide, not just herbs and DE which many poultry lice treatments are. Permethrin is non-toxic to poultry. You can also use spinosad but it can be expensive.

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