What am I doing wrong?


6 Years
Aug 23, 2017
I have had this happen 5 times in 2 years. I raise the chicken all different hardy breeds until about 7-8 months old then they get sick and die.
They free range in a fenced area, are my pets, have clean everything.
Some I have had the whole time and are fine?
You may have an avian virus in your flock. What are the symptoms of the chickens when they first became sick up to when they died?
Oh my goodness really?
Y'all need to quit watching the news.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Not sure where the humor is when your chickens are dying and you don't know why? Esp when people are trying to help you? There thousands of posts of problems, and yours got chosen for help and its humorous? There's multiple viruses out there, so what's funny? Am i reading this wrong?

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