What am I?

Here she is on the 26th of September, totally spaced I took these


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Here she is on the 26th of September, totally spaced I took these
First of all, very pretty! She looks just like my Blue Australorp but I see your girl does have feathered feet.

I’m stumped. Best guess would be blue marans with maybe a wtb since I don’t see muffs, beard, or crest. I wish the hatchery knew what breeds because I would definitely get some!
Back story: I had a broody, didn't want to risk cockerels, so ordered 8 Blue Stars (blue sex links) from Ideal. They say the parentage is blue Andalusian and barred rock. Received the chicks all healthy, but there were 10, two with slightly feathered legs, on the outside of the leg, pink foot soles. Of course when I contacted Ideal and asked what they were, they assured me they were blue stars, even though the parentage says they can't be with the feathered legs🤷. Sold the littles about a week ago, but kept 1 pullet, she's just shy of 5 weeks. What is she?
Does the chick you kept have feathered legs?
Looking at Ideal's website they do offer blue olive eggers. My guess would be they mixed up the order and sent blue olive eggers instead of (or in addition to) blue stars.
I suppose we'll never know, since the hatchery doesn't even know, lol. She's staying regardless, and who doesn't like a beautiful green egg❤️

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