What are normal side effects of suprelorin injection?


Sep 11, 2022
Hi All,
One of my rescues started getting the common problem that many rescues do, EYP. Having lost most of my others this way I decided after her second round of getting it and surviving with antibiotics (tylan) to try an implant. I was expecting the side effects such as lethargy and loss of appetite but nothing. Then, 5 days post implant she went from 100% (running around chasing food, jumping up for food, dust bathing etc!) to 0% in hours. Not eating anything and complete lethargy, just sitting down. Before when she had EYP I could start to tell when things were going to go down hill, she’d sit on the nest box, be a bit slower, eat less. Even at her worst she still ate her favourite food and wandered around, now she’s doing nothing.

Could this be a side effect of the suprelorin or EYP again? I don’t want her to do antibiotics again if I don’t have too, but equally don’t want her to suffer unnecessarily.

Have others who’ve done this implant had similar time lapse before symptoms showed and/or had similar symptoms? Thanks all in advance for your advice/support!
Ps I should add she seems to be drinking fine, if not more than usual. She also was going through a light molt at time of implant (I’ve found they tend to do this on response to A/B) thanks again
Hey, my chicken had the implant 2 weeks ago after egg laying issues. similarly she became very unwell just over 1 week later. Another week on and she seems to be eating less and less. What happened with your chicken? Did they come out the other side?
I put my hen on the suprelorin implant because she came to me with several different issues and the vet recommended a break from laying. She went through a hard moult and became very sleepy during the day. She would often sit down and doze off. She didn’t isolate from the others but she would lay down and rest and the others would move away. She ate a little less but kept drinking. She also became very persnickety at roosting time. No one could roost with her and even now she tends to roost by herself. Her comb shrunk and turned greyish. Her lethargy symptoms lasted perhaps about two weeks? It did her good but I would question putting her through that again unless absolutely necessary. It seemed a bit like chicken menopause.

The implant wore off after several months and her comb and wattles returned to normal.
Hi All,
One of my rescues started getting the common problem that many rescues do, EYP. Having lost most of my others this way I decided after her second round of getting it and surviving with antibiotics (tylan) to try an implant. I was expecting the side effects such as lethargy and loss of appetite but nothing. Then, 5 days post implant she went from 100% (running around chasing food, jumping up for food, dust bathing etc!) to 0% in hours. Not eating anything and complete lethargy, just sitting down. Before when she had EYP I could start to tell when things were going to go down hill, she’d sit on the nest box, be a bit slower, eat less. Even at her worst she still ate her favourite food and wandered around, now she’s doing nothing.

Could this be a side effect of the suprelorin or EYP again? I don’t want her to do antibiotics again if I don’t have too, but equally don’t want her to suffer unnecessarily.

Have others who’ve done this implant had similar time lapse before symptoms showed and/or had similar symptoms? Thanks all in advance for your advice/support!
Interesting post.
I've heard similar stories from others trying to prolong the lives of their Ex Battery hens.
I've been caring for a number of Ex Battery hens over the last eighteen months or so and I'll be interested to read the experiences of others who've gone the implant route.
I put my hen on the suprelorin implant because she came to me with several different issues and the vet recommended a break from laying. She went through a hard moult and became very sleepy during the day. She would often sit down and doze off. She didn’t isolate from the others but she would lay down and rest and the others would move away. She ate a little less but kept drinking. She also became very persnickety at roosting time. No one could roost with her and even now she tends to roost by herself. Her comb shrunk and turned greyish. Her lethargy symptoms lasted perhaps about two weeks? It did her good but I would question putting her through that again unless absolutely necessary. It seemed a bit like chicken menopause.

The implant wore off after several months and her comb and wattles returned to normal.
Thanks for sharing your experience with the implant! I’m glad your little hen got some benefit from it. I’ve been asking myself if I’ve done the right thing. The tiredness and poor appetite seem to be common for a few weeks. Mine is also standing about/sleeping in the day which is totally out of character. I hope she picks up. I might call the vet for advice tomorrow if no better
I put my hen on the suprelorin implant because she came to me with several different issues and the vet recommended a break from laying. She went through a hard moult and became very sleepy during the day. She would often sit down and doze off. She didn’t isolate from the others but she would lay down and rest and the others would move away. She ate a little less but kept drinking. She also became very persnickety at roosting time. No one could roost with her and even now she tends to roost by herself. Her comb shrunk and turned greyish. Her lethargy symptoms lasted perhaps about two weeks? It did her good but I would question putting her through that again unless absolutely necessary. It seemed a bit like chicken menopause.

The implant wore off after several months and her comb and wattles returned to normal.
I think the comb and wattles shrinking and becoming pale is just because she wasn’t laying anymore, not necessarily because of poor health.
Yes you’re right, it was definitely because of the implant and because she stopped laying. She went from having this big floppy red hat to being a shrivelled old crone.


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Hey, my chicken had the implant 2 weeks ago after egg laying issues. similarly she became very unwell just over 1 week later. Another week on and she seems to be eating less and less. What happened with your chicken? Did they come out the other side?
Hi! I think she’s ended up getting a secondary issue as her crop wasn’t emptying either. She’s picked up on eating but only tomatoes, lettuce and meal worms with a tiny bit of mash. We’ve given her nystam for sour crop (although not convinced it’s that). She’s obviously lost a lot of weight but seems to be pecking around at the moment. I’m still monitoring her daily (hourly!) on her quality of life, as that’s of course the most important thing. I’ll keep u posted. Love to know how yours is too, and thanks to all the others who’ve responded with their experiences, it’s really useful. Ps we’re about 4 weeks now post implant.

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