What are some of the most mind-blowing facts about chickens that few people actually know??

I always thought it was neat that one eye is near sighted and one eye far sighted. I’ve heard people say one eye for searching the ground for food, one eye for searching the sky for predators. Somehow they both work together, though. That fascinates me! I always call it camera one, camera two; I love when they give me a one, a head turn, then the other, so curious.
Hahaha! I'm going to start saying this.
waynes world wayne GIF
Article with lots of cluckmazing facts:

The first:
Day 1 Did you know chickens were domesticated in Southern China 8,000 years ago in 6000 B.C.!!!

Day 2 Did you know chickens can dream and see in full color!!!

Day 3 Research suggests that chickens are cleverer than toddlers. Hens have exhibited mathematical reasoning, self-control and even structural engineering!!!
The last:
CLUCKMAZING FACT 78 Submitted by SoftSilkie:
A single chick on average drops waste about every five minutes. Can't remember where I heard that, but I think I read it somewhere. Seems true enough to me! :sick

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