What are the quality names for a chicken?

Probably "pet quality."

When hatching silkie eggs we bought from someone else that look pretty fancy, unless they say, "show quality" they probably aren't hatchery breeds necessarily, so given @sourland's post, I'd say breeder quality.

But when someone advertises eggs and says, "Show quality," to me that means they are vaulted, bearded, 5 toes, black skin (depending on variation), and turquoise/blue earlobes.

Feather types can be silkie (fuzzy), satin (smooth), or frizzled.
What's vaulted?
What's vaulted?
If not vaulted like others pointed out, then it may have a smaller poof on the top or a crest. Your hen I believe has a vaulted skull.

Some people just raising silkies for fun avoid the vaulted ones because it's said they can be prone to head injuries or get pecked as a chick or in a fight. I have raised and free-ranged vaulted, non-vaulted, and crested silkies for 8 years and have never seen a problem with any of them.
I know about silkies but I had asked about what quality are my silkies in the past and they said a term. But I have no idea what that is.
I wasn't sure what kind of terms you were asking about, so I was trying to cover some terms (like breed, variety, bantam) that I had not yet seen in any responses, in case the one you needed might be one of them.
I wasn't sure what kind of terms you were asking about, so I was trying to cover some terms (like breed, variety, bantam) that I had not yet seen in any responses, in case the one you needed might be one of them.
Thank you for posting the information in the thread though.

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