What are these random eBay Seramas?

Thank you for these photos and their stories! Has Yoda passed away :( ?
These are great for understanding how much of a genetic lottery seramas are. I really wouldn’t have thought that was the case.
Thank you for these photos and their stories! Has Yoda passed away :( ?
These are great for understanding how much of a genetic lottery seramas are. I really wouldn’t have thought that was the case.
I suppose they are like cochins who also come in many different colors.

And sadly yes, my only surviving serama out of these pictures is Jordan. I also have Milly who was Mini Moo's sister. I lost Mini Moo and one of her daughters Puffin to a hawk and all my others to the cold. I always try to bring them inside or put heaters in the coop before the cold months arrive but their is always one random day that drops below 30F and ends up freezing them.

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