Gammas Bearded Babies
Crossing the Road
Soooooo many plans!
- Gonna put down pine bark in under it all and hopefully what's in there will continue to dry out.
- Finish tidying up the hardware cloth from where I'm connecting it to the new coop just on the outside edge of the old run...because I changed my mind and we pulled it through from inside the run to outside the run there is about an 8" gap between the two. Gonna be tricky to do.
- PAINT soon as weather warms back up so LP Smartside will stop warping!
- Also still gotta cut out a door on new coop to go into the run as well as build a ramp still.
- Before spring comes will be cutting out windows for increased ventilation
- probably making a sliding barn door on the new coop that goes into the run area so I can just leave it open during summer.
- Install some sort of gutter across front of coop to help with the water coming down where I have to work inside coop.
- Would LUV to put a roof in entire run...but we'll see.