What breed are these goats?

Chickie McNuggs

In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2023
Eastern Kentucky
I was surprised with goats a while back but my hubby never got a name of the breed. Any ideas are appreciated.
I love goats, but I’m not a complete goat expert, but it looks like you’ve got a mix of breeds. With nubian being a large one, which is great because Nubian are such characters. Maybe a little bit of alpine mixed in. I can see the picture but exactly how large are they or at least roundabout idea better than just the picture I guess
I love goats, but I’m not a complete goat expert, but it looks like you’ve got a mix of breeds. With nubian being a large one, which is great because Nubian are such characters. Maybe a little bit of alpine mixed in. I can see the picture but exactly how large are they or at least roundabout idea better than just
Thank you! I will try to get a better picture later today with them next to something that will help you get a better idea of their size. Perhaps next to my car.

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